Drafters Got Dirty. Round II Oct 2 at Pleasant View.
The inaugural Dirty Draft at CamRock was a huge success. What constitutes success? 10 riders got dirty, did not require emergency care, ate pizza and drank beer on a school night. Thanks to Skipper for leading the Draft and Footer for sweeping. There was lots of mess, but everyone went home with all their parts in tact.
A little blood, not enough to require stitches.A little goose egg, not one on the noggin.
Cannibal connects with Mother Nature, losing a bar end plug and half a pedal. Who plants those trees so close together, anyway? He blamed his routine tree confrontations on Skipper, who loaned him the MTB. Apparently the brakes weren't up to Cannibal's standards.
Slinger lived up to his Drafter handle. Coming hot into a corner, dirt was a slingin'. And then Slinger was slung into the powdery earth he just created.
I only wish I had a photo of Tick Tock launching into flight. I can't do it justice with words.But I can perpetuate the fun with round two of the Dirty Draft. We will meet in the parking lot near the clubhouse at Pleasant View golf course on Wed, Oct 2 at 5:30PM. Shenanigans to follow at Longtable.Draft responsibly,BrickO