Sept 30: Riley Tavern Final Draft 2019

Earth Wind and Fire supplied lyics for the 23rd Night In September...Hey hey hey,ba de ya - say do you rememberba de ya - drafting in Septemberba de ya - never was a cloudy dayBa duda, ba duda, ba duda, baduba duda, badu, ba duda, baduba duda, badu, ba duda17 Drafters convened to do some drafting in September.  C-Monster once again came to the rescue of several Drafters who suffered equpiment failure, as in failure to bring equipement.  Cannibal borrowed her water bottle and Hit-the-Wall borrowed her waterproof phone case (ok, so it was just a ziplock bag, but still).  I guess that makes sense. In giving away her water, the chances of sweating were minimized.  C-Monster is so smart. No wonder she will shortly have earned two doctorates.5 of the 17 Drafters didn't convene, exactly,  but did complete the route.  Drone Master was on course sending live footage to Bob Roll.  Belle and Bomber were caught on Wipperfurth- presumably they had a head start or drafting on e-Bikes.  We are awaiting official word from the pit crew technicians, who are inspecting for motors.  Tobacco City Boy arrived a few minutes late so thought to park at Pheasant Branch Conservancy.  The peloton zipped by so quickly that he missed them entirely.  By 6PM, he abandoned the chase and rode the course backwards to increase in chances of a Drafter encounter.  Sparky, too, arrived late and ventured out alone, only to flat twice.  Vintage was kind enough to leave his beer behind and rescue Sparky from the depths of Waunakee.  We are out of room on the Flat Tire Club plaque after this seasons's voluminous debacles.  Speedy and Duracell completed the route in the early afternoon, on account of coaching their kids' hockey.  This excellent parental Duracell put him just out of reach of the 10 and Over club, which earns extra Drafter swag. He is appealing the decision to the USDA (United States Drafter Assoc) and providing GPS and photographic evidence that he did ride the course on Drafter Monday. The Velominati rules clearly state BIKE COMES FIRST, but the Drafters may have to ammend that to say BIKE FIRST UNLESS FAMILY NEEDS YOU. The ride down Easy Street was as promised... easy.  Except for Sparky who double flatted and Vintage who managed to have his saddle fail.  I suggested a new saddle, but he said the more likely long term solution was to lose 20 pounds.  Whatever.  I'd buy a new saddle.  Hell, I'd buy a new bike. Why skimp?Two of our "regulars" were off frolicking in Yellowstone, unable to Draft, but still sporting green.Beer at Longtable tasted extra good.  The selection is so wide that it is often hard to pick just one (if you are setting limits).  Tobacco City Boy opted for the Hawaiian Shirt Party.  When asked about his selection, he said his daughter would like the colorful flowery can,while his attention was drawn to the 9% alcohol content.Next week will be our grand finale and shortest ride of the year to Riley Tavern.Download PDF map: Riley Tavern 20Garmin link: GPS Riley TavernFollowing the ride, Longtable will host our END OF THE YEAR DRAFTER PARTY at 7PM. In case of rain (read: in case Hit-the-Wall rides), we will still start the party at 7PM.  There is swag for everyone who has ridden at least once.  Double swag for those achieving the 10 and over club.  And special awards for faux pas throughout the season.The DIRTY DRAFT season is still in season.  We will meet at 5PM (NOTE: not 5:30 as initially advertised) at Pleasant View on Wed Oct 2.  There is a small possiblity of also meeting this Wed, Sept 25 at 5PM at PV.  I will send a GroupMe message to confirm.  Text me if you are interested.It was a bummer The RIDE was cancelled, but we still have a few events to entertain:Tyranena is this Sat, Sept 28.  Link: Tyranena sign upThe Hibernator gravel event is Sat, Oct 5.  Link: Hibernator sign upDraft responsibly,BrickO


Drafter 2019 Finale


Drafters Got Dirty. Round II Oct 2 at Pleasant View.