“As an adult athlete juggling the demands of a career and a full life outside work, I often struggle to set reasonable training goals for myself, and to manage my training in a way that’s healthy for my body and my mind. I approached Stacey because I saw her thoughtfulness, intentionality, and because I had been genuinely impressed by the depth of perspective on athleticism, aging, training, and competing she brought to discussions with mutual friends. In these conversations, I watched her help others uncover themes that helped build their psychological approaches to training. Stacey's unique background makes her an incredible listener, even more so when her expertise in physiology can be brought to bear. I am so glad that she agreed to take me on as an early “test client.” Her guidance and perspective were invaluable in setting and adjusting goals, planning schedules, and in the middle of challenging training blocks, when I began to question the messages I was getting from aging joints and tendons or a tired, overfilled mind. Her input is made more priceless by her enormous experience in so many athletic environments, competitive and recreational — she knows the difference between pushing through pain to achieve and accepting situations that will be hard to heal from. Stacey was in so many ways the right, adaptable combination of head and heart for me, too. She is unflinchingly positive without seeming disingenuous or unrealistic. She is encouraging without ever seeming patronizing, and flexible without losing sight of goals and timelines. I’d do it all again in a heartbeat. In fact, maybe I will.”
~Joe E
“I could not be happier with Stacey Brickson as my coach. Stacey’s a champ at rolling with my insanely busy and sometimes unpredictable work/life/travel schedule, tweaking my plan whenever needed, and making sure we’re always on the same wavelength. I REALLY appreciate her value for both cycling and life balance. Thanks to her, I’ve become very fit and managed to stay surprisingly sane through some very chaotic times. As a physical therapist myself, I have been thoroughly impressed with how Stacey has tied together her PT and physiology backgrounds with the sport of cycling. It’s clear how much thought and effort she’s put into merging those worlds, and I’m constantly benefitting from that expertise. She truly understands the physical and mental aspects needed for success in training and racing. She is motivating, realistic, smart, and a beacon of human kindness. I feel very lucky to have found her and highly recommend her to anyone thinking of elevating their game as a cyclist. “
~Jenny B.
“Stacey (Coach Brickson) has a deep understanding and love for the sport of cycling. I've learned so much training indoors and riding outdoors with Coach Brickson over the years - from pedaling efficiency and handling skills during group rides to the importance of a strong core and mental toughness - all of which transfer directly to local rides and competitive bike events alike. Considering her background in Exercise Physiology and successful career as a Physical Therapist, I know that our training plans will offer safe and effective programming to develop the complete athlete. I can't thank Stacey enough for inspiring riders, from all backgrounds, to pedal for both fitness and fun.”