September 23: Wauana Take A Ride Down Easy Street?

It was a record setting night for the Drafters:

  • We achieved an all time high attendance record of 24 riders!  This included one Newbie, Outlaw, bro-in-law of Hit-the-Wall.  The probability of a rain out being implicitly linked to Hit-the-Wall has been called into question.
  • Cronometro's Italian Job made an appearance.  The Black Widowette route had been shorted due to the daunting challenge of averaging  20mph to get in before sunset.  I had intended that to mean that most would ride UNDER 20mph.  The Italian Job had an entirely different interpretation. He and Cannibal  battled to Dane averaging over 25mph (possibly prompted by endless chiding by BrickO who hung on for dear life and the two bowls of cereal unwisely scarfed down late afternoon until she couldn't- that is, couldn't keep up.  The cereal stayed down). Tick Tock and Captain Joe took over the pursuit in Dane. Compliments and backhanded slams were exchanged simultaneously.  Tick Tock's recollection is that the Italian Job complimented him on sustaining a high power output.  Coming from the former U.S. National one hour time trial record holder, Tick Tock figured he'd reached the peak of his career and retired later that evening, after a celebratory beer.  The Italian Job had a slightly different take.  His recollection was that Tick Tock said, "You ride great for an old guy. Especially with an Italian screw in your hip."  I suspect there is some truth to both interpretations.  Regardless, it spawned a record highest average speed. Why am I not sure of the the exact mph? Well....
  • BrickO joined the flat tire club.  She claims to have been "just riding along" (JRA) when a pot hole inexplicably jumped in front of her.   That brings the Flat Tire Club membership to a record high 8, up from 3 inductees last year.  Many Drafters abided by the code and stopped to offer assistance.  Muddled in the incomprehensible thought of her new bike being marred on its first Drafter voyage, BrickO sent them away one by one (in between curses at her own stupidity at hitting the pothole- and this farm girl is not short on curse words). Until... until... she was standing on the shoulder with her precious bike in one hand, unwilling to let the Green Machine lay down, and the rear wheel in the other, tire lever in her mouth, and surrendered.  Vintage and Loose Screw wrangled off the stiff new tire and pumped up the new one.  Z Rex came back with the sag wagon, but BrickO was already on the road, emptied tool bag clenched in her teeth (no time to waste putting it back on the seat post). She suffered TMJ damage, but it was worth saving 30 seconds after a 20min tire change.

  • Bomber and Belle were riding along so sweetly, the bees couldn't resist.  Belle sustained the first bee sting on a Drafter ride.  Luckily, beer is a known anti-histamine. Well, not exactly, but when mixed with Benadryl can intensify the side effects.
  • We've had plenty of equipment failures (Loose Screw loosing his Garmin on a pot hole, Booker J breaking a cable, 8 Flat Tire Club inductees) and failure to bring equipment, including socks (Cannibal), water bottles and a front tire (Pipes).  But never have we had a cell phone catapult from a jersey pocket and survive being run over by a tractor.  Sparky is now the national spokesperson for otter cases, and promises to back up her data daily.
  • The Drafter end of the year party is coming up, and the announcement was made that swag would be given to those riders completing 10 rides.  Drone Master is just shy at 8 and thus decided to ride no less than 3 rides in order to ensure his swag. Drone Master sightings were reported at numerous unchartered roads on the Black Widowette route. He definitely set a record for most Drafter rides in a single night. If you can't ride 10 times, being seen 3 times more often is a creative way to earn swag .
  • Duracell and Speedy set a record for earliest departure.  Not only did they start 20min before the Draft, but they shaved off the first 2 miles by riding from home.  They definitely took the 7:05PM sunset warning seriously.  BrickO got several texts from the impatient Speed: "thought the Drafters would have caught us by now", "what establishment did we choose for imbibing this eve?" Clearly, she's got her eye on the prize.

This is a relatively easy 27 mile ride down Easy Street (might be up, given my predilection for hills). If you want to extend it just a wee bit, skip the Right on North Madison St and take the next one, Schumacher to Easy St.  It is a hill you won't want to miss, if you like that sort of thing.Download PDF map: Wauna Ride Down Easy Street?Garmin link: Easy Street Garmin LinkREMINDERS: Dirty Draft is this Wednesday, 5:30 at CamRock. Bring lights, trail pass, swimsuit and beers for after-ride festivities at Footer's cottage on Lake Ripley. Drafter party is Sept 30 at Longtable. Please RSVP to Evite.  If I missed you, let me know.Draft responsibly,BrickO


Drafters Got Dirty. Round II Oct 2 at Pleasant View.


3rd Time is a Charm. Riding Black Widowette Backwards