July 17: The All American Ride

Congrats to the Drafters who rode the Circus Gran Fondo last Saturday.  Vilks took second place overall, a victory of the heart.  He was in the lead pack of 5, down to 4, 3, 2.... battling to the finish with a nice guy from Marshfield, who had pulled most of the 100 miles. Vilks had plenty in the tank to take the lead across the finish line, but knew in his heart that winning after Drafting isn't really winning at all.  Besides, the other guy was training for IM Canada and had to run 10 miles after finishing the century, so wan't remotely interested in what Vilks had left in the tank.  Mega Watt and Z  finished in the top 10 overall male category.  Mega Watt doesn't actually show up in the results due to missing the time mat at the second rest stop, but I can attest to the fact that he didn't cheat.  His only mishap was grabbing a banana on the wrong side of the tracks.  Billy Boy conquered 8000 feet of elevation, according to his Garmin.  Mine only reported 7000 and change, which makes me wonder if he was riding in a straight line?  That's what happens when you ride without a Drafter jersey....  Captain Joe decided an extra hour of sleep was more important than 30 extra miles, and was content to dominate the Circus Classic.While I was on vacation in northern WI, listening to the loons and recovering from the Circus, 7 Drafters rode on Monday night.  I have heard that the group included a newbie, yet one more addition to the Bone Menders (Drafter name TBD).  One can never have too many orthopedic surgeons in the group.  Have you seen the crashes on the Tour???   Scooter can't bear to watch.Tour de ScooterTobacco City Boy and Dan-yelly enjoyed the Draft together, compliments of our new Drafter Nanny service.  I have some concerns over Baby Adley's reaction to wearing Drafter gear. 
Coach Arms is one helluva competitor.  I'm not talking about hockey- I'm talking about this darn photo competition.  She traveled to Niagara Falls, under the pretense of attending a wedding, just to get this shot:Niagara FallsBut I think K2 is in the running with this post-thesis defense photo taken at the summit of South Sister mountain, the 3rd highest peak in Oregon.  A 5000',8 hour trek was required for this submission:K2.jpgContinuing on with the spirit of Independence Day, this is the epitome of the All American Ride.  In less than 30 miles, we will repeatedly see 3 American traditions, not necessarily ones making America great, but certainly all an integral part of history: churches, taverns and baseball diamonds.   We will start with a tour of historic Ashton, which has all 3 on the same corner! From there, we will roll through Martinsville, home of St. Martin's Catholic Church, the KEG and a ball diamond.  For those opting to take the bike path home (perhaps those under the influence of the Human Metronome), the Missouri Tavern is one of my all time favorite watering holes.  Void of an accompanying church, and a horse shoe pit as a surrogate ball diamond, it will not disappoint.Garmin link to Churches, Taverns and Baseball DiamondsTom Collins 30 25NOTE: I rode recon last week and today and Hwy 19 is still under construction.  I think this will work in our favor.  That is to say, the road is is GREAT shape and CLOSED to traffic.  The only potential pitfall is if they resurface the short stretch between Whippoorwill and Matz on Monday.  PLEASE DESCEND SLOWLY ON WHIPPOORWILL.  For those unfamiliar with this road, it is a STEEP descent with a hairpin turn and a stop sign at the bottom.Good luck to all those Drafters competing in the Door Country Triathlon this weekend!Draft responsibly,BrickO 

July 24: Lodi Canning Company


July 10: Historic Viaduct Revisited