July 10: Historic Viaduct Revisited

If you missed it the first time around, this is your chance to travel through time, literally. The Viaduct was constructed in 1881 and is the highlight of this scenic moderately hilly 30+ mile route.Garmin link to Viaduct route ViaductI'm sure there will be several fearless leaders who will roll forward and gallantly wave the green flag to start the Draft promptly at 5:30PM.  White flags are allowed throughout the course, and even encouraged, given that several Drafters will be coming off of the CIRCUS Gran Fondo ride in Baraboo on Saturday.  BrickO and Z will not be Drafting Monday, so please be sure you know the route. In preparation for our absence, we respectfully submit our recent SC ride photos in a feeble attempt to shake up the Drafter Photo Competition.FlyZCaesar's HeadDraft responsibly,BrickO


July 17: The All American Ride


July 3: Yoga On