July 24: Lodi Canning Company
Is it too early for Reindeer Games?You know Rainbow Maker, and Drone Master, and Z and Brickson,Loose Screw, and the Tobacco City Boys, and CM Wille and B2 Bomber a blitzenBut do you recallThe most directionally impaired Drafter of all?Hit-The-Wollaeger, a sawbones Drafter,had a route that he crisscrossedand if you ever saw himyou would even say he’s lost.All of the other Draftersused to laugh and call street namesThey never let poor Wallyplay in any Garmin games.Then one sunny Monday nightDan-yelly came to say:"Hit-The-Wollaeger with your GPS so bright,won't you guide our ride tonight?"Then all the Drafters loved himas they shouted out with glee,Wally the astray Drafter,you'll go down in history! And so 13 thirsty Drafters finally reached their Free House destination, eventually, despite taking a circuitous route. There were several usual suspects missing, most likely due to excessive celebration following a tremendous showing at the Door County sprint and half IM events over the weekend. Congrats to Kilo and MegaWatt, Counselor Queen Bee, and Dan-yelly on the sprint. Arms, Legs, Angel Gabriel, Slow Cow and NBA Cliff placed well in the Half IM. It seems suspicious that the last two triathlons Cliff entered had the swim cancelled or shortened. I think his new Drafter handle will be "AquaPhobe".If you are looking for organized rides, here are a few suggestions. There will be plenty-o-Drafters at DLD, Tyranena and The Ride, so sign up and go green.Dairyland Dare RegistrationTyranena RegistrationThe Ride RegistrationThe route for next week will take us through Lodi. I am aware that there is a segment on Lodi-Springfield that is currently under construction. Be prepared to take a detour. If repairs aren't made by Monday, we will turn LEFT on Kurt Road, a LEFT on P, straight onto Stevenson and home on Hyslop (red line on map). There is a short pour 30mile route and also a shot to Dane.Lodi Canning Garmin Link
Draft responsibly,BrickO