July 3: Yoga On

Although we are riding independently tomorrow, there is still an official Yoga class from 6:15-7AM at the VFW on Century Ave.  Bring a mat, $15 and a flexible attitude.I've seen some Drafters out drafting independently this weekend.  Hard to miss the green flash.MegaWattTobacco City Cousin is looking to surrender his independence and Draft full-time.  He is currently taking applications for a Cannondale Tandem lead driver.TCCFor those looking to step up their training, here is a little blurb about what it might take to win the Tour de France.  I would guess B2 Bomber is close to 80ml/min/kg.  Too bad about the denominator being kg body weight.  I was in contention for greatness on the VO2 part until I realized that my cardiovascular system has to drag to my mass up hill.Tour de France.pngDraft responsibly,BrickO


July 10: Historic Viaduct Revisited


July 3: Ride Independently