Ride On But Abbreviated Route

Sometimes it is nice to live with a pilot who has access to really cool radar.  I mean, it is nice to live with him all the time, but when it comes to weather related ride issues, it is REALLY nice. The radar shows RAIN but I think if we leave promptly at 5:30pm (read: we will not wait for stragglers), and shorter the ride to an hour, we might stay dry.Dry guarantee expires at 6:30Hyslop HustleThis map shows a longer loop on Kurt.  We will go right on Hyer, which cuts off even more miles.  Never mind that the cue sheet says Left on Kurt.  It should say right, but we are going right well before it says to go left.  Got it?


July 13: Insane Dane Round II


July 6: Riders On the Storm Again? 30mile ride through Dane