July 13: Insane Dane Round II

The forecast threatened rain but 14 brave Drafters, including newbies Tom and Brad, decided to ride. We definitely felt better with a Cardiologist at our side.

Cut the route short was the plan agreed to by all.  We convened back at the Free House dry and before night fall.  2 Drafters headed home, the remaining dozen engaged in conversations which made for an interesting sound bite.  QUIZ: Which of the following absurd ideas was discussed that night?

A) A Drafter from Ragina (rə-ˈjī-nə) was asked to retire her hockey skates and pads in exchange for fish net stockings and roller skates. Badger to Mad Rollin' Dolls transformation would be a sight.

B) Three Drafters conjured up a plan to travel Down Under to do a cross country ski marathon race this month.  Training is apparently optional, unless they anticipate Z' forecast for snow tonight?

C) A Drafter suffered near suffocation when she found her nose buried deep in the bosom of the waitress.  Keeping her cool, she regained her composure and said the Spotted Cow selection was alright.

D) All of these conversations occurred at a volume just below exploding dynamite, which gave the other patrons in the Free House some excite.

The correct answer is D.  Thanks to all who make it out to ride on Monday nights.  A group that enjoys riding hard and laughing harder, drafting responsibly on the bike and at the tap, is a group I am proud to be a part of.

The ride for July 13th will be (pending rain) the Insane Dane ride posted for last week.  It is relatively short (30ish miles).  The 20 mile option is an out and back to Dane.

Waunakee Warriors Ride

Draft responsibly,



July 20: A Tribute to Babe Ruth


Ride On But Abbreviated Route