July 6: Riders On the Storm Again? 30mile ride through Dane

We ended June with a bang... literally.  13 is my lucky number, but somehow, only 1 of the 13 riders on the Roxbury route last Monday made it home dry and it wasn't me.  Kudos to Jim for the fastest (and driest) split.  For the rest of us, we were riders on the storm for the last few miles home.  I think we all agree (although no vote was cast) that the route was well worth the wet finish.Christa and Emily Ride Out of the Storm... but not fast enough13 wasn't lucky with respect to weather, but it was lucky in bringing an old friend and new rider to bump us up from a dozen.  Welcome outstanding racquetball player (we are going back a few years), accomplished Ironman and overall amazing woman, Karen D to the Drafters.Tomorrow we hope to ride north through Dane and then head east through the circa 1880 Viaduct towards Wanuakee.  A spectacular ride and much less challenging than Roxbury.  Many shortcuts are available.  Out and back to Dane is 20 miles.  Sully will be leading the bike path charge at 6pm.  The weather is threatening to be nasty.  Anybody up for riding Tue if we have to cancel?Waunakee Warriors RideInsane Dane Garmin Link


Ride On But Abbreviated Route


These are a few of my favorite things