A-Mazing Draft

Helios, Vintage, Blurple, Gopher, Bomber, Thing One, Cannibal, Cujo, Z Wrecks, Sandlot, Speedy, Ninja, Slinger, Nitro, GFK, Hit The Wall, Han, Pipes, Duracell, Special K, Sandals, Pepe, Queenie, Busch Latte, Pit Stop, Booker J, Rimshot, Belle, Momma Monster, Cookie Monster, Columbus and LuLu. Not pictured: Slim and Vilks

Pipes warms up her hamstrings

Gopher and his pink flamingos find the groove

Beware listeners: this version has been agnosticated, not out of disrespect for they hymn, but to honor just how amazing the last Draft of 2022 was for 35 Drafters (record tie for the season high).

Amazing draft how sweet the ride
No flats no wrench need be

No one was lost, and beer was found
Was bonked but subs fed me

'Twas Dunlap Hallow my heart did fear
And quads my fears revered
How precious did those watts appear
The hour I first believed

Through many dangers, toils, and snares
We have already come
This draft that brought me safe thus far
And paceline lead me home

When we've ridden five hundred miles
Drafting under the sun
We've few more days til’ snow stays
As when we first begun

Amazing draft how sweet the ride
No flats no wrench need be

No one was lost, and beer was found
Was bonked but subs fed me

Sub sandwiches, plenty of baked good and beer to remedy the bonk

The next generation of Drafters carries on the spirit.

Circle of life: Pipes, Coach Arms, Speedy & Duracell's offspring dance responsibly

What started in 2013 as a small group of cyclists who gathered each winter to train indoors has evolved into a Drafter Family of 155. Tracing the cogs back 30 years, Sully is really to be credited as the family matriarch, as she convinced BrickO to give cycling a try (that first ride did not go well).

Drafter Matriarch Sully with her biggest cycling conversion challenge, BrickO

Data missing for the first 3 seasons. Were computers even a thing back then?

2022 was a tremendous growth year. And while it is exciting to welcome more cyclists, we must take a moment to remember those who have retired, bought a van and are drafting responsibly across the country. Happy retirement, Slow Cow. His story fittingly made the front page of the WSJ on Sunday, which we read before setting out on our final draft.

Slow Cow slow rolls into retirement

The end of the year awards ceremony gave us an ample opportunity to honor and poke fun at many of our Drafters.

Newbies! Along with your Drafter handle, you earned a key to the city. In Drafter speak, that translates into a bottle opener. Welcome Nemo, Pepe, Cujo, GFK, Momma Monster, Nitro, Calico, Venus, Sarge, Zephyr, Knucklehead, Sherpa, Sean Connery, GQ, Gov, Charlotte, Taquito, Comet and Fly Boy Joe .

GFK put his to use later that same day

The 10+ Club. This isn't a Bo Derek 10. The 10+ club is even hotter. 23 Drafters committed to 10 or more rides during the season. Thanks to our friends at SweatVac for keeping the sweat out of our eyes so we can Draft Responsibly.

Headbands compliments of SweatVac and bib number fasteners for the 10+ Club

Rimshot was the first drafter in history to have perfect attendance, earning him an embroidered foldable cooler/lawn chair to put up his feet after a long draft. The 10+ inductees are: Rimshot, Pit Stop, Duracell, LuLu, Vintage, Speedy, Thing One, Cannibal, Gopher, Cujo, Skipper, Pipes, Z Wrecks, Booker J, Blurple, Queenie, Octane, Nemo, Captain Joe, Footer, Squirrel, Granny and BrickO.

Rimshot scores perfect attendance on his report card

Two Drafters volunteered to host the Monday night ride. Captain and Tennille got a 5 star rating for the risotto. In order to encourage future fine dinning experiences, they were awarded a personalized serving tray.

Let there be risotto.

Cannibal hosted a route with plenty of elevation, and rewarded those thirsty Drafters with his famous garden drinks. May his cup always runneth over.

Cannibal's Garden Drink Pitcher

When Cannibal hosts, the fear of running out of Garden Drinks is real. But there is never a fear of Vilker, Slim and Skipper running out before the beer is gone.

Vilks earns a bottle opener as Cookie Monster, Sully and Queenie look on in awe

There are always plenty of baked goods to soak up the Garden Drinks and beer. It is rare to have a Draft that results in caloric deficit, thanks to our fine bakers, Gopher, Cookie Monster, Momma Monster and Octane. Personalized aprons will ensure that they bake responsibly.

Gopher, Momma Monster and Cookie Monster


Fashion is never far from our list of priorities. It is hard to argue Slim's choice of basketball cotton socks as he is one of the strongest and most accomplished Drafters enlisted. If we can't convince him to wear cycling socks, we can certainly ensure his cotton crews are Drafter green.

Slim goes green

In order to raise awareness and promote women's cycling, the Drafters hosted their own event concurrent with the Tour de France Femmes, called the Tour de Dane Femmes. We celebrate all of the contenders: Dan-yelly, Coach Arms, Cujo, Belle, Sandlot and BrickO. The podium winners, with jerseys supplied by our friends at Online Cycling Gear, are:

Maillot Blanc: Young Rider Award goes to Granny (oxymoronic, right?)

We thought it only just to have a Maillot Silver award for the most "mature" rider. This year, Nemo joined the Draft as a newbie, make the 10+ club, and was 0.32 seconds from claiming the sprinter's jersey in the Tour de Dane Femmes. As our "most mature" femme, she earned the Maillot Silver jersey. Nemo had to miss the final draft as she was parenting responsibly, but was ready to roll the following Monday.

Maillot Silver: The Masters Award goes to Nemo

On the podium: Squeak, Maillot Verde (sprinter's green jersey); Columbus Queen of the Mountain (polka dot jersey), and our overall winner, Pit Stop, Maillot Jaune (yellow jersey). Congratulations to our Tour de Dane Femmes champions. We are all winners, and if you would like a podium jersey, please use discount code 20%brickson on your next order at OCG.

Congrats to the Tour de Femmes Champions: Columbus, Pit Stop and Squeak

Also on a podium for World Champion Master's Barefoot Water Skier, and therefore unable to be at the final Draft, Footer!.

The Drafter organization needs little aside from a posted route and a place to drink beer. People who draft are passionate about biking, but the Drafters are more passionate about looking out for one another. We need more Drafters in the world. What I give each week is very little. What I get each week is priceless. I cannot thank you enough for that, along with the incredibly thoughtful gift basket.

First concussion. Clearly recovered.

Our Monday night drafts have come to a natural seasonal end, but please join us for the Dirty Draft on Mondays at 5PM as we rotate through the various CORP MTB trails. Once the snow flies, we will Drift Draft on fat bikes until spring, when we will reconvene for our 11th year of drafting responsibly.





Final Draft: A-Mazo Finale Rox