Final Draft: A-Mazo Finale Rox

19 Drafters made their way to the final 2022 destination: the Bridge to Nowhere. The cool of the evening set in as quickly as the light began to fade away.

A gorgeous bridge to nowhere: a connection close but not close enough to the bike path.

The B Team was 9 strong. Well, 8 strong and one concussed following a crash. BrickO leaned on Knievel and Z Wrecks for experienced Drafter crash-support.

Knievel, Cujo, Han, Squeak, Duracell, Speedy, Z Wrecks and Loose Screw.

The Clash (aka the Crash) was running through BrickO's concussed head as she pondered the Bridge to Nowhere.

Should I stay or should I go now?

If I go there will be trouble (breaking concussion protocol).

And if I stay it will be double (crabby, crabby, crabby).

So come on and let me know.

Should I stay or should I go?

Crash sings the Clash: should I stay or should I go?

Keez and Slim took the credit for a delayed departure. Keez spent time making sure she looked her Sunday best in her new Drafter kit.

But not on time :)

And Slim took this last opportunity to join the Flat Tire Club on his way to the Draft, slowing down the departure as they played musical wheels (a spin off of musical chairs). Slim raided the garage for a spare wheel. Finding none that fit his enormous rotor, Gopher swapped his wheel for one on Z Wrecks' gravel bike, surrendering his own to make Slim whole. At last, the A Team was off like the wind.

Granny, Rimshot, Squirrel Booker J, Keez, Vintage, Vilks, Thing 1 and Gopher. Slim is changing wheels.

If they A team had delayed any longer, Tick Tock and Sarge could have commuted home from work, changed and joined the draft rather than drafting responsibly together. Could be timing... could be love. Hard to know.

Sarge and Tick Tock looking good in their new Drafter kits

A November sky (and temperatures) in September

The Drafters were eager to return to base camp and warm up by fire. Gopher is really heating up as he prepares to turn another year older this week! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GOPHER.

Cujo, Squeak, Gopher and Thing 1 huddle close to the fire

We said a final 2022 farewell to Granny and Squirrel, who will be joining Captain and Tennille on a mountain adventure in Montana over the weekend. Granny was presented with the Tour de Femmes Maillot Blanc jersey, gratis of our friends at Online Cycling Gear. Use code for 20%brickson off your Tour de Femmes jersey! The young rider jersey rewards those under 25 (we are raising the bar) who show ambition. Granny earned her handle as a Newbie last year when she wasn't sure how, why or when to shift out of the small chainring. She's figured it out, bought a bike that weighs less than she does. WATTS OUT for Granny!

Granny earns the Maillot Blanc jersey

Clean jerseys are one thing. But handling Vilker's left behind kit required nothing short of a hazmat suit. The embers were still hot enough the next morning to take care of the contamination.

Disposing resonsibly

Many of the usual suspects didn't draft as they were recovering from The Badger Challenge. Congrats to Pit Stop, Nemo, Duchess, Sandlot, Dan-yelly, Pres and Walton on their extraordinary efforts drafting in the rain.

Pit Stop and her son take on the Badger Challenge

Clearly not the Badger Challenge, but a good shot of Sandlot representing the Draft

Further north, the Shawano Bike the Barn Quilts event drew a big crowd. The race to the podium for the 70 mile route included 4 contestants, including 3 Drafters: Rimshot, Z Wrecks and BrickO. BrickO almost didn't make it, after an epic crash half way through the event. It must have been something in the cheese curds at the rest stop.

One crash in 30 years of road riding is not a bad record, especially considering her earlier years. At age 3, in a fit of jealously over her older cousin riding a two-wheel bike (without training wheels), BrickO challenged her to a race down a rather steep hill at the farm, requiring a hard left turn to avoid the Yahara River. The tricycle pedals were faster than BrickO's little legs could turn (no doubt -you have witnessed her max 70rpm cadence). She abandoned the race and her trike, just as it became airborne and secured a water landing. DNF. The second crash was much more sophisticated. Looking to christen her 10th BD present, a new Ross baby blue 10 speed (after sleeping with the color advertisement for months under her pillow this was a big deal), BrickO thought she would see how many pedal strokes she could achieve. With her eyes closed. Turns out not many due to the parked utility van. Maybe not her first concussion?

Even further north, Squeak was running her 13.1 while her kids were "Kruse'n" to the podium (1st and 3rd). What do they say about picking your parents wisely?

And further to the south in the Big State of Texas, Footer is battling it out for the World Championship Barefoot Title. Catch her live on ESPN 6 between 2 and 3AM lunar time. And we thought women's cycling was under appreciated....

Lil' Monster has a Drafter Towel waiting for Footer when she's done playing in the water. Warning: towels may vary in size.

Full body wrap for Lil Monster

The FINAL 50 DRAFT and PARTY will take place on Sunday, Oct 2 at 10AM. Spoiler: it is actually 55 miles. Jimmy John's subs and beer to follow. Please feel free to bring goodies to pass and more beverages as you see fit. If you can't Draft but want to attend the awards ceremony, please do! The ceremony should start around 1:30PM.

RidewithGPS link to A-Mazo Finale Rox

Next week, Monday night will morph into the Dirty Draft. Our first ride will be Oct 3 at CamRock starting at 5PM at the trail head on Water Street. Come early, come late, but ride the gorgeous trails and stay for beer. We will use GroupMe Dirty Drafters to communicate. Email me if you want to be included. If you enjoy the MTB trails, please consider joining Capital Off Road Pathfinders (CORP). The website gives trail condition and other important information. Trails are maintained by volunteers, so your support is appreciated.

"But what would I wear??"

But what would I wear, you ask? Gottcha covered, Grinch. Hincapie Drafter MTB jerseys are available through Monday Oct 3 using this link.

Draft responsibly,



A-Mazing Draft


Tom Collins and the Bridge to Nowhere