Confession: Short Church Session

You can take BrickO out of the Drafter but you can't take the Draft out of the Drafters. Slim and Keez stepped up Monday night to host the Draft, wrangling 27 Drafters north to conquer Black Hill. Wrangling Drafters is easier than herding cats, including Calico, our newbie Drafter. Welcomeow.

Pres and Walt made their 2022 debut with the B for Bad A** team. Knievel rode strong without pulling any stunts requiring medical attention. Missing from the group was Loose Screw, as he was celebrating his birthday responsibly.

Pres, Keez, Knievel, Nemo, PItStop, Calico, Pepe, Speedy and Duracell

Keez leads out Duracell, Speedy and the rest of the B team

Keez provided a strong pull, although perhaps not always in the right direction. Apple. Tree.

The A Team was light on numbers for women, but those women were not short on watts. Granny and Thing 1 represent the finest in female physicians and watt output, brains and brawn.

Octane, Skipper, T1, Squirrel, Granny, Captain Joe, Booker J, Vintage, LuLu, Vilks, Rimshot, Sandals and Blurple

Vintage without hair product

Vilks flexing his.... something.

All made it back to base camp safely. There was a RAW reunion with plenty of ruckus. Videos were sent and will not be posted.

RAW reunion: Slim, Skipper and Vilks

PitStop and Neemo welcome the Newbie, Calico

The boys are back in town: Pres and Walt

Blurple, Sandals, Booker J, Squirrel, Granny, Rimshot, Cannibal, Slim, SKipper, Vilks, PItStop, Nemo, Calico and Octane

Drafter Night through Skipper's lens

A shout out to a few Drafters on their weekend activities. Keez and Cujo rocked age group national championships in Milwaukee. Not the same age group.

Footer locked in two gold medals and is the overall champion for her division at Barefoot Nationals. Her husband, the Legend, took silver in the UW Open Pro Top Division, and son H earned two silvers. That's a footin' family!

Z Wrecks, Vilks and Z finished matched miles with degrees at the Dairyland Dare and lived to drink another beer. Due to some faulty map reading, the crew finished the 150k in a record 65 miles. Keez comes by her directional impairment honestly. They did an illegal U-turn just before the finish timing mat and dutifully set back out to recover their missing miles. Integrity over intelligence, in this case?

BrickO, Z Wrecks and Vilks at the DLD. 93 miles in 93 degrees.

Ninja, with out Green Bay cohort, also bleed green in the heat and recovered responsibly.

Ninja drafting responsibly.

Sending good vibes to Belle and Bomber as they face the SBT GRVL this weekend!

CONGRATS to LuLu and Columbus on their NEW HOME. Roof responsibly.

Monday Aug 15 Confession: we are taking the shorter route to Church and not feeling guilty. This is a 33 mile route without any super obvious short pour option.

RidewithGPS link to Confession: Shorter Church Session

Map and Cue sheet PDF

Draft responsibly,



Options to Attend Church Aug 15, 2022


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