Back in Black

The 2022 Drafter season marks 10 years as a cycling family, and 150 enlisted drafters since its conception in 2013. While there were no newbies on Monday for the Spring Valley loop, a MIA Drafter reappeared. Unrecognizable in cycling shoes, he quickly fell into line and drafted responsibly. Welcome back, Sandals.

28 Drafters were in the corral. The horse power in the B team was mighty, including 3 of the 4 podium winners from the Tour de Dane Femmes. Pit Stop claimed the yellow, Nemo the silver, Squeak the green and Columbus in the polka dot jersey. Congratulations to all the Femmes and Mennes who supported the Tour de France Femmes on a local level.

Nemo (Silver), Pit Stop (Yellow) and Squeak (Green jersey)

Yellow Jersey Quads

The fashion factor was phenomenally high, as the Hincapie kits arrived last week. Han Solo and Nitro were suited up in their new Drafter gear. It appeared as though Pipes had her 7-year-old pick out her kit, mixing and matching. Garanimals has nothing on you, Pipes.

Business in the back, party in the front

Pipes, Keez, Coach Arms, Z Wrecks, Loose Screw, Nitro, Pepe, Nemo, Squeak and Han Solo

The B Team tried to chase down Duracell and Queenie, but this pair of stallions could not be reined in.

Duracell and Queenie

Z Wrecks had enough giddy-up to pull a break away group. Loose Screw had little in the way of horse power as he had spent the afternoon baling hay, but chomped down on the bit and drafted responsibly. Fortunately, he had enough energy to out maneuver a family of raccoons who challenged his bike handling skills.

Z Wrecks, Loose Screw, Coach Arms and Pepe

The A Team had some mechanical issues right out of the gate. Skipper had lost a shifting cable during the Lake Ripley Ride on Saturday, so brought his gravel sled. It is the bike equivalent of bringing a knife to a gun fight. Blurple was the exemplar Drafter, circling back to aid Skipper in the fight. A salute to the entire Drafter Team for drafting responsibly, riding no more than two wide and single file in traffic, keeping Strava segment hunting to a minimum, and helping a fellow Drafter whose machine has broken down.

Cannibal, Gopher, Slim, Zephyr, Vikler, Sandals, Vilker, Rimshot, Blurple, Booker J, Skipper and Granny

Granny blew two tires before the A Team even hit the town line. Respecting the Drafter code, several members of the A Team pulled over to lend assistance. The remaining team members stayed just close enough to comply with the code of ethics and still keep their hands clean. There was much suspicion over the close proximity of Squirrel as he arrived on the scene faster than an Uber. Granny earned the Airport Rd QOM (Queen of Mega flats).

Better than an Uber

The brutal head wind was beautifully broken by Slim and the big boys in front. Riding 60 of his cumulative 100 miles this season at the Lake Ripley Ride two days before, Slim seemed to reach an immediate peak level of fitness and grew stronger as the night went on. Vilker and Skipper, who had also made big waves at the Lake Ripley Ride, did not. Low on quad reserve power, Vilks serpentined up the formidable Table Bluff climb. Disgusted with himself, he turned back half way up to start again. Quad power wasn't the only force to dwindle. The wind died down completely, offering no assistance to Skipper riding home solo on his gravel sled. Slim was two burritos into his recovery when Skipper rolled in. Better than a burrito, Skipper had a great attitude and an extra Untitled Art beer for BrickO.

Recovery Rx: 2 burritos and a Pseudo Sue

Vilks was on board with Skipper's post-draft attitude, and celebrated of his Table Bluff unintentional hill repeats with a bourbon. The credit for that brilliant idea goes to Billy Boy, who made a post-ride and birthday week appearance. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BILLY BOY AND COACH ARMS!

Bourbon makes everything better.

Slim, Z Wrecks, Billy Boy, Queenie, Pit Stop, Pipes, Skipper, Zephyr, Blurple, Rimshot, Sandals, Nitro, Pepe, Loose Screw, Vilks and Keez

Z Wrecks, Billy Boy, BrickO, Keez, Slim, Vilks, Loose Screw and Pepe stay until lights out

A few shout outs to some weekend warriors. Cujo took first place in the 24 hour solo category at the Washington Island Ultra Triathlon, completing 17 triathlons, plus an extra swim. The runner up finished 16 triathlons, plus 3 extra swims. Who let the dog out? She's frothing at the mouth to compete this Saturday in Milwaukee for Age Group National Championships along with Keez. GOOD LUCK, DRAFTERS!

Far from a race, 16 Drafters participated in the Lake Ripley Ride for JDRF. Congrats to the Monster Family for completing the event with 3 generations of women (well, the third generation being 4 weeks and 2 years old, but you get the idea). E$ provided the horse power to carry the sleigh. There was a Pres and Walton sighting! Squeak arrived early to swim, biked 20 extra miles and then went running in preparation for her upcoming Ironman. There were signs that Duchess and Sandlot were looking dang good. Pit Stop completed the last stage of the Tour de Dane Femmes, earning the yellow jersey. Coach Arms rode twice in the same week without Mom guilt, not a small feat. Slim tripled his total miles for the year. Skipper found the spare key to Footer's cabin and hosted fun in the sun with Z Wrecks and Octane, who was perhaps more wet in his jersey than standing in the lake in his swim trunks. The Monster Family provided cookies and raspberry tart for everyone, and then an extra plate for Vilks.

And Nemo secured her Silver Jersey by completing the Trek 100 Ride for Hope.

Nemo at the Trek 100

Looking to join the Drafters for another Saturday of fun filled riding? You can still register for the Dairyland Dare. Prefer not to draft? Dare to volunteer!

FOR SALE: if you are looking for tubular wheel sets, here is a lead on HED Stinger 5/7 ($800) and 3/3 ($700) and Zipp Sub 9 disc ($900), OBO.

The route for Monday August 8th will be 34.5 miles BACK IN BLACK. Short Pour option of 25 miles is to follow the route to the intersection of Lodi-Springfield & Black Hill and do a U-Turn, skipping the hellacious climb and northern loop.

RidewithGPS link to Back In Black

PDF Cue sheet

Draft responsibly,



Confession: Short Church Session


Drafter Tour de Dane Femmes Wrap Up