Waunakee Warrior Ride Aug 24

The Four Seasons said it best:Oh, what a nightLate August Monday back in '20What a very special ride for meAs I remember, what a nightOh, what a night, two newbies didn’t even know their namesBut the Draft was never gonna be the sameWhat a route, what a nightOh, I, I got a funny feelin' when they buzzed by on BreunigOh my, as I recall it ended much too soonOh what a night, Cookie Monster back drafting with meShe was as fit as we imagined she'd beThirty-eight miles, what a nightNothing is perfect, but dare to find flaw with the Brewing on Breunig ride. Zero humidity and a tail wind back to Columbus and LuLu's where pizza, cookies and beer were in abundant supply.The B team was off to a Speedy and lonely start...

Off to a Speedy start

but shortly therafter expanded and quickly slowed.  The B Team could not be bothered with high watts with so much energy being consumed catching up socially. Ultimatley, the B Team divided up into his and hers.

Chick's B Team: Footer, BrickO, Speedy and Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster re-enlisted in the Draft after taking a few weeks off.  And by "off" I mean balancing motherhood and graduate school.  Of couse she had time to bake two dozen cookies for all of us to enjoy.

Boy's B Team: Duracell, Mario and Queenie

The Boy's B Team included Queenie's son, Newbie Mario. "A father-son relationship is strong, like no other teammates. You could be straightforward with one another." Mario Andretti 

"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough." Mario Andretti

Mario rode plenty fast on his borrowed machine, a Colnago named Annie.  He was seen stroking her gently after riding her hard.The A team also traveled light to start.  Captain Joe took the staggered start seriuosly, soloing at noon.

Captain Solo

The rest of the A Team took off at 5PM and caught the Chick's B Team on Loper.

LuLu and Cannibal overtake the Chick's B Team
Skipper and Cannibal after the take over

The A Team also welcomed a Newbie, Gopher. He certainly did Go Far, farther than Vintage (yes, we have officially leap frogged from Kermit back to his old handle), who declared a state of overtraining and cut off at KP to start his rest interval before an alleged upcoming 130 mile gravel event.

Gopher and Cannibal catching LuLu's Draft

Back at the ranch, the Drafters were reunited with  Booker J, whose GPS apparently took him from LuLu's house to the typical start on Glacier Ridge Rd. "I knew something was wrong when my Garmin didn't send balloons at the finish.  I was worried that starting from LuLu's might turn a 30 mile route into a 60 mile route.  But I didn't think it would congratulate me on a 2 mile course."  And so, Booker J rode his own route and joined the crew for cookies and beer.  There might be something wrong with his Garmin.  "My Garmin says all my rides are at 21 mph."

LuLu, Footer, BrickO, Gopher, Queenie, Mario, Speedy, Duracell, Bomber, Belle, Columbus, Booker J. Drafting but not imbibing: Tick Tock, Vintage and Cannibal.

Back yard banter focused on the Newbies.  Mario recevied a penatly flag on his first lap with the Drafters.  Not recognize Cookie Monster as his instructor for fall semester, he failed to yield.BrickO and Belle, proud ISU supporter and alumna, respectively, welcomed the Iowa Native Newbie.  "I started a Cyclone, but ended up a Hawkeye."   That's the equivalent of confessing, "I started a Badger, but ended up a Gopher."Next week we will head to Waunakee for a 33 mile Warrior Ride.  Depart from Glacier Ridge Rd in staggered format, starting at 4:30PM. Pizza and a bonfire to follow, if the fall weather persists. VINTAGE NIGHT: One free beer to any Drafter wearing the original Voler jersey or blue and red Hincapie jersey.GPS link: Waunakee Warrior RideDownload map and cue sheet: Waunakee Warrior RideDraft responsibly,BrickO


Waunakee Warrior Route Update


Brewing on Breunig Important Update