Brewing on Breunig Important Update

Brewing on Breunig is on for tonight.  The weather looks fabulous.REMINDER: LuLu is hosting. CHECK GROUPME for directions for the start near Lakeview Park, Middleton.  Staggered start: 4:30, 4:45, 5:00 and 5:15PM. Bring a lawn chair and beverage. Pizza and mixed drinks provided. Rumor has it that Cookie Monster may be making her first post-baby delivery debut.Sandlot and Duchess have done recon and report the course to be in great shape.FishNBoots and his Funtathalon recruiter also did a bit of recon.  Make that TWO 7-mile rides this summer: a peak AND a taper.  This couple is sporting the Vintage Drafter jersey circa 2013.  Next week, free beer to those Drafting in Vintage appearal.  Limit one per customer.  This will be an excellent way to celebrate the upcoming BIRTHDAY of Vintage Drafter Tobacco City Boy!The Dirty Draft has had some success rolling on Wednesday evenings.  We welcome all ages.[wpvideo u8WgLuMG]There are inherent risks that must be assumed. For example, this Drafter and Funtathlete contracted a case of Dirty Drafter Digit yesterday.  HIPPA prohibits that his name be posted, but you may Sherlock it tonight when you see taped fingers over a bike glove.Draft responsibly,BrickO


Waunakee Warrior Ride Aug 24


Aug 17: Brewing on Breunig