Back Door to Church... Have Faith?

Legal drinking age.   ____ Pilots. ___ Jump Street.  That's the number of Drafters who conquered Black Hill, or as Speedy renamed it, Black Hell.  21 is a record high for 2020, virtually and really.The Draft inducted 3 new members: jRAD, Special K and the Rock.  Captain Joe brought along his buddy, jRAD, a humble man of few words but many watts. Special K introduced the concept of snack time. We rivaled any kindergarten class for the number of snack breaks. Granted, Special K's fuel stores were depleted after 60 miles earlier in the week, training for her Aug 1 century ride run, but a full stop for trail mix every 5 miles? The jury is out on her membership status. Verdict, Judge?
E$ and Cookie Monster were tempted, but Audia had barely finished her first day of life, so they decided to wait at least another week before Drafting.  It is also apparent that smaller headbands need to be ordered. CONGRATULATIONS!!!The Back Door to Church route for next week is brought to us by the late John Denver.Almost heaven, West of MiddletonMound View Mountain, way of Moen ValleyYou feel old there, older than the treesYounger than the mountains, draftin' in the breeze.Country Roads, take me homeTo the place, I belongWest of Middleton, mountain mamaTake me home, country roadsBack Door to Church 40ish miles is pending ongoing chip seal and other random acts of road repair on JJ and H/HH.  The Drafter recon crew has been furloughed, but volunteers have stepped up to pre-ride the route on Saturday.  Stay tuned. An alternative route might be required.  5PM departure and post-draft fesitivies will resume at our normal spot on Glacier Ridge Road.  Pizza will be ordered.  $5 max donations will be tolerated.  BYO beers and lawn chairs. GPS link: Back Door to Church GPSMap and cue sheet download: Back Door to ChurchDraft responsibly,BrickO

Rain Rain Go Away


Back in Black (to honor Kermit's cycling attire)