Back in Black (to honor Kermit's cycling attire)

Note the Newbie riding with the ladies! Borrowing from Queen's Killer Queen:He's a Drafter QueenCO2, SPD shoeDynamite with a red Trek bikeGuaranteed to blow your mindAnytime
Footer on the Parlee was like watching SpaceX's Falcon 9, as she rocketed by fellow aerospace engineer, Drone Master. In an exclusive interview, Drone Master recounted, “Footer kept looking back, like, ‘hey, are you coming or what?’ The engine boosters on the Parlee were just too much for me. I've giv'n her all she's got captain, an' I canna give her no more.”Belle wasn’t on a Parlee, but she too felt the engine boosters kick in. “We’re on Schneider Road, almost home, it’s a straight away slightly downhill. Let’s go!” And the four were no more.
Dan-yelly surprised the group by being on time, and finished ahead of schedule, due to an inadvertent short cut on Turkey Rd. At least, that is her story… Other characters making an appearance included Cliff, Hit-the-Wall and Cannibal. Each forgot something vital. Hit-the-Wall forgot his beer, Cliff forgot to bring any water and Cannibal forgot to bring his power booster, running out of fuel after chasing Bomber and Kermit. The pace was blistering. Only the strong survived. I was not amongst them. Tick Tock was wise enough to keep enough in reserve to see the finish line with the fuel gauge above E.Billy Boy took the king of cut offs, bypassing the ride altogether and showing up for the cold Draft. Good to have him back from Sanibel Island in one piece.
Skipper skipped the Draft Monday to build his new mountain bike machine, anticiating that the rain would foil out Dirty Draft plans for tonight. Look out for the Yeti shredding next Wednesday during the Dirty Draft. Z Rex and BrickO will be shredding (or getting shredded) in the Blue Ridge Mountains, so take your dirty cues and updates from Skipper on GroupMe.
On the topic of next week, Drone Master will be hosting the Draft. Departure from GLACIER RIDGE ROAD AND JOHN MUIR ROAD at 5PM (6 houses up from ours, just before intersection of John Muir). Or park at the Pheasant Branch Conservancy and grab a wheel as the Draft goes by. The 35 mile route is Back in Black (should suit Kermit's cycling attire- though he did sport a green Drafter headband last week- see photo above). Same deal: bring a lawn chair and beer to relax post-Draft in Drone Master's backyard.GPS link: Back in BlackDownload map and cue sheet: Back in Black
Draft responsibly,BrickO