Oh My My. Oh Heck Yes. Speedy Put on Her Party Dress!
The day was absolutely spectacular for Drafting to the Riley Tavern, except for maybe a nippy homeward bound head wind. Our double entendre Drafter handle has become a bit of a misnomer, since we are neither drafting behind our bigger bodied cyclists (hey, no judgement, delicate flowers appreciate help- thanks for the socks, Sully)...Nor are we enjoying a post-ride draft at Longtable. That doesn't preculde us from enjoying a draft at home, 6 feet from our signficiant other, however. LuLu has embodied the drafter spirit and found electrolyte balance, as displayed below.
The Drafter photos came fast and furious throughout the day. Apart, we Drafted strong together.Seems like we suffered a bout of forgetfulness:Footer forgot where the Tavern was on the route.
Belle and Bomber forgot to take a photo at Riley. So cute how they share post-ride snacks and Strava data.
Hit-The-Wall forgot the route entirely. He has a penchant, it seems, for the bike path. A+ for family time, B- for Drafter attire (allegedly there is a Drafter shirt under his jacket), and C for route.
Sandlot blended right in on the Woodland Trail at Gov Nelson, hiking in her Drafter green. She forgot the idea was to bike.
Pipes, notorious for forgetting her front wheel, also forgot her bike and joined Sandlot in exercise on foot.
Caboose found a silver lining to virtual Drafting: he is no longer relegated to a last place finish. No chance of riding Riley Tavern route from MN, but how can you forget Drafter swag?
Following the rules of engagment and therefore eligible for the GRAND PRIZE are the following:
The clear winner(s) in round 1 are Speedy and Duracell. "Road Trip! Didn't burn too many calories but we sang a lot in the van. Too bad it was closed, kids really wanted to have a beer with us."
Here's what is on tap for Round 2 next Monday, April 6: PINE LOOP. Same rules apply: text me a photo at the intersetion of PINE RD and SCHUMAN with DRAFTER SWAG.
Pine Loop PDF map download: Pine LoopLink: Garmin Link Pine LoopDraft responsibly,BrickO