Drafter Update: Rules of Engagement for the Riley Tavern Route
Our Drafter Family has Drafted Responsibly since 2013. We will continue to do so.Our good friends at SweatVac have donated shapeshifters to physicians on the front lines, and will offer a dramatic discount to cyclists seeking to Draft Responsibly: Link to SweatVac
In an effort to ensure that we Draft responsibly, I tinkered around with the idea of providing these masks for the Monday Draft to Riley Tavern. This gives a new meaning to "going green". I entertained a non-Drafting time trial format, releasing a rider every 3 minutes to maintain a safe distance (exemption for couples already sharing snot). Even if the risk of contamination was eliminated with these measures, we run the risk of being perceived by the community as drafting irresponsibly.While stewing and brewing over this conundrum, I was epiphanized (I guess you could say I had an epiphany, but this word is so much cooler, although possibly not real). The Drafter bond is less about the miles ridden side by side, and more about the stories of those miles (mostly me poking fun at our ineptitudes). My epiphany for a solution came from watching mini-Pipes conquer her first hairpin turn on concrete. I wasn't on the sidewalk at the time, but know it well. Pipes shared the story and that gave me a sense of community, even without drafting behind mini-Pipes.[wpvideo ewtGs34f] With that, here are the rules of engagement for the Riley Tavern Route:
- We will Draft responsibly, not convening as we normally do at 5:30.
- Ride on your own; it must include a portion of the Riley Tavern route in order to be recorded for all prosperity on the offical spreadsheet , henceforth qualifying for a prize (TBD including but not limited to Photo Competition and MVP).
- You must send a selfie with Drafter swag and evidence of the Riley Tavern, date stamped Monday March 30. You do not have to be in Drafter attire, although strongly encouraged to earn photo competition points.
- In case of rain, you can ride indoors and send a selfie with Drafter swag. No need to have a smart trainer with copious amounts of power data. Old school Johnny G Spin Bikes work beautfiully. Please consider joining the Tobacco City Peloton (current Edgertonian members: 2).
Side bar: our Hincapie Drafter gear should be shipped April 21. Keep an eye on your email for shipping confirmation from FedEx as you will need to sign for your package.Octane has been practicing selfies with his Drafter water bottle. Water bottles, towels, socks, hats, shapeshifters and certainly Drafter kits qualify as swag.
"See" you Monday at Riley Tavern.Draft repsonbily,BrickO