Learning To Fly

What better time than the start of a new year to reflect on how time flies. Let thou count thy ways:Footer reaches the half centruy milestone today. And you know what Drafters say on the road.... "what you can do once, you can do again".Coach Arms and C-Monster are on the home stretch of pregnancy.  Well, maybe rounding second base for C-Monster, but she'll get there soon enough. Time flies.Not turning 50 or pregnant, Skipper takes his own kind of flight.BrickO see, BrickO do.  Or doesn't.  Tom Petty seemed to be singing direclty to me as I flew through the air, off my bike, down a 30 foot (I might be exaggerating) bank at Pleasant View.Interested in learning to fly?  Colin O'Brien (Drafter handle the Italian Job) can help.  Please drop into Cronometro on Wednesday, Jan 29 at 5PM to hear him speak on the topic of aerodynamics as it pertains to the bike.Draft responsibly,BrickO


March Madness: Let It Be


Happy New Year!