Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Drafters. Thank you all for a wonderful year of cycling, flat tire changes, and cold beers together. I couldn't ask for a more genuine group of friends to ride and laugh with (and at, on occasion).Here is a quick review of cycling (and skiing) December drafts.If fat tire riding in the white stuff is your thing, check these events out:
Nicolet Frosty Bear registration link
Snow Bully Registration linkAnd if snow isn't your idea of fun on a bike, registration for these two stellar events opened up TODAY. Lake Ripley on July 18, 2020 isn't just a ride... it's a party at Barefooter's cabin. Please note, our beloved Dairyland Dare is UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. A huge thanks to Race Day Events and Abbey V for resurecting the DLD. Please join me in daring on Aug 15, 2020.Lake Ripley Ride Registration linkDairyland Dare Registration LinkDraft responsibly,BrickO