June 3: Rockin' to Roxbury Tavern

The Memorial Day ride might have been a bust, but I trust all of you got out on Saturday and Sunday to enjoy the glorious weather, be it on two wheels or otherwise.  I have evidence that Skipper did just that in his new Drafter kit. Speaking of which- if you placed a recent Hincapie order, shipping date is July 8th.  Skipper is in the lead for the photo competition (by default, since I have no other entries).  Remember to submit your photos throughout the season to be considered for the end of the year awards ceremony.  There are no criteria other than Drafter apparel must be in the photograph, hopefully with you wearing it.I can't let Skipper go uncontested.Not to wish away summer now that it has finally arrived, but here are a few links to  fall rides:Ride Across Wisconsin Aug 17-18Door Country Century Sept 8The Ride Sept 22Tyranena Oktoberfest Sept 28The Hibernator 100 Oct 5 (same event as the Bear only in the fall)A huge shout out to former Drafter, Ivy League, for her recent Podcast, Humbled.  This series interviews retired elite athletes to discuss their transition back to "normal life".   The first episode interviews cycling legend, Levi Leipheimer. Current Drafter and retired rower, Pipes, will be the interviewee in July. I'm not sure she's the epitome of "normal" before or after achieving elite status, but you listen to the series and decide for yourself.Listen to Welcome to Humbled from humbled in Podcasts.The route for Monday June 3 will humble us.  We will be heading north to the Roxbury Tavern for a 42 mile adventure.  For those who like to know what lies ahead, there are serious climbs on Dunlap Hollow and Katzenbuchel.  For a shorter 25 mile option, just skip the northern loop (and Dunlap Hollow & Katzenbuchel).The Garmin link is from Middleton Hills, not the Free House, but the route is accurate: Garmin Link MH Rockin' To RoxburyDownload PDF map: Roxbury 42CAUTION:

  • Indian Trail has been repaved at the east end, but becomes pretty pitted as you near K.  Use caution on the turns.
  • There are 3 rumble in the jungle strips as you approach Hwy 12.  If there is no oncoming traffic, I suggest avoiding them to keep your fillings in tact, or make sure your dental insurance is paid up.
  • We cross Highway 12. Gulp.  There is a safe space between the lanes of traffic to hang out in the middle.  Please cross safely.
  • There is NO ROAD SIGN for Kipley. It is the first (I think?) left on KP after 12.
  • As we climb Schuman towards Otto Kerl, there is an area of gravel washout from a driveway on the opposite side of the road, with some extending into our lane.  Luckily, we are climbing so high speeds will not be an issue.

We will descend upon Longtable for post Roxbury Tavern libations.Draft responsibly,BrickO


June 10: Horribly Hilly Preparation with the Spring Valley Loop


There Will Be No Rockin' the Gibraltar on Memorial Day