No Brains, All "Braun"

A southerly breeze at 28mph blew 18 Drafters, including Newbie Anne "Bolt".  She is no relation to Usain, but rather wife of Loose Screw.  There has to be a reason that man keeps it together, and I'm sure she's it!  The tail wind on the way out made us feel like rockstars, as did the rare incidence of B2 Bomber lagging behind, compliments of a respiratory virus.  It appeared to be a "10 mile virus", eradicated at the Viaduct climb, as he blew by all of us, hopefully not spreading  germs in his dust.  Tobacco City Cousin made a debut- first time on his bike this spring.  Must be all that wedding planning or his new job supervising Tobacco City Boy at the Lumbar Yard that has him preoccupied.  TCC joined the Tall Team averaging 6'5" of NBA Cliff, T-Wall and Billy Boy McC who collectively provided enough resistance to the head wind home to light up Dane County.  It was a  small moral victory for those Drafters who waited in vain for a late growth spurt- offering up a host of short and quick excuses for a slow ride home.Tall Team EchelonE$ and Too Hip were singing the medical student and resident blues.  Too Hip let it slip that he had a 6 mile spring training ride with his son, which we collectively decided provided enough fitness to pull us a good stretch home.  Cookie Monster, just finished 6 qualifying exams and a half marathon, but didn't offer up any excuses.  You go Girl.HardwareBrickO and Z Rex claimed "no legs" after a weekend of riding in SC.  They were victorious in claiming flat tires, making BrickO the leader on the board this season with 2.Caesars HeadCoach Arms and her Bambino rode remotely, bringing our Drafter number up to 20.Arms on the BeachHit-the-Wall offered up the earliest excuse.  Before leaving the parking lot, Hit-the-Wall was preparing his slow Draft defense by claiming to have skipped lunch.  Apparently, somebody gets a bit grumpy when he's hungry.  The waitress handled Hit-the-Wall's beer demand with class, serving him before taking any one else's order.  Her only retort, "This is not my first rodeo with your type."  Notice the empty chair at the head of the table below, a sign of his early eviction from the premises.  We did welcome two guests for the after ride party- Mrs. Billy Mc C and Big Dub, offspring of BrickO.
 We will travel west for the ride on Monday, a test of Brains and Brawn.  This Brawn adventure towards Cross Plains will require a climb up Braun.  BE AWARE THAT CHURCH STREET IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION at the corner of St Francis Xavier.  Follow the Detour Signs through town to cross Hwy 14, and then get back onto  P, and turn right onto Bourbon St as indicated below.  The SHORT POUR can cut off the western most loop, staying on P past Hwy 14 and turning left onto the recently repaved Stagecoach.  Dental visits will be reduced this season ass we won't loosen up our fillings riding Stagecoach.Union Valley Brains and Brawn 30PDF map to download: Union Valley Brains and Brawn 30GPS link: Brains and Braun CourseFinally, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Nurse Sully.  May there be plenty of Spotted Cows to help you celebrate.Draft responsibly,BrickO

Rock of Ages: Bittney, Buethin, Brereton, Bike Path (?)


Jersey Up: Orders Due May 6