Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow. It doesn't show signs of stoppin'

The weather outside is frightful.  Hopefully you'll find the blog delightful.  Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.Climate change is requiring an attitude adjustment to stave off the threat of depression  as we delay commencement of the Draft.  I'm going to dig deep to see the sparkle in the snow.  Literally, I had to dig deep Friday when the winter storm dumped 14" at the cabin.  Trying to get out of the driveway, I found the snow had the chassis of my Jeep elevated higher than the wheel base.  I don't recall shoveling my way out in April, ever. We regrettably cut our cabin get away short and drove home Saturday afternoon, for fear that the eye of the storm on Sunday would leave us stranded up north, unable to meet the rigors of work on Monday, Monday, can't trust that day.  Sipping coffee this AM, watching the snow fall, I am grateful we made the choice to drive home yesterday.  That's sparkle number one.  Here are a few more:
  • After sitting in the feeder untouched for months, the birds were desperate enough to decide Niger Seed is edible.
  • I was able to test my snowshoes out for the first time this spring.
  • I already started base training for the Birkie 2019.
  • My legs will be soooooo fresh come first Drafter ride, and I'm well tapered for the myriad of events this summer.  This is in stark contrast to Billy Boy McC, Dan-yelly and Tobacco City Boy, who will clearly be exhausted and overtrained, due to their Vitamin D seeking Sanibel junket.
  • sanibel.jpg
  • I can put off shaving my legs for another week.  I'm not confessing how long it has been since my last shave...
  • In my three rides outdoors this spring, I managed a flat tire, thanks to a tack.  I'm officially the first Drafter to join the Flat Tire club in 2018 and according to the Drafter Book of Records, hold the highest Flat:Mile ratio in the history of Drafter cycling. My flat tire changing skills are sharp and honed in.  We will no longer rely on the mechanical prowess of 5 orthopedic surgeons to do this simple procedure.
  • Z's new Colnago, "T Rex", is white so he can ride camouflaged for another few weeks.
  • My blinky lights are charged.  In fact, they've been on the charger in the garage so long, I think they've melted into the outlet.  If we have to move the Draft onto trainers in my garage, they will serve as mini disco lights. Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin'. And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive. Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive.
  • The chances of repeating the same ride twice this summer are dwindling.
  • The temptation for Coach Arms to eat an entire plate of sweet potato fries at Free House, a craving that has stood the test of 2.5 trimesters, has been eliminated again this week.  Rumor has it that last Monday, after learning of the Executive Committee ruling on cancelling the Draft, she was forced to make her own.Sweet Potato Fries
  • We had the snowblower tuned up in March.  This will be an excellent chance to see how it runs before next winter.
  • My son is hoping for a snow day tomorrow.  Let the joy ring out.
  • The 2018 Drafter Jersey design is complete and orders will open up next week!

    On that note, we welcome you to try on the samples of Hincapie jerseys at our home MONDAY APRIL 16 from 5:30-7PM.  Feel free to stop by for a beverage even if you don't want to place an order.  Even if you have purchased Axis (club cut) or Velocity (race cut) in the past, please note the style has changed somewhat.  I also have bibs and shorts so that you know which of the two lengths work best for you.  If you can't make it Monday, please contact me to arrange a fitting.  I can keep the samples for one week, and then the order will go live for one more week.Draft responsibly,BrickO




    Executive Committee Votes "No Ride"