Executive Committee Votes "No Ride"
An executive committee was appointed this AM to determine the fate of this evening's ride. The attendees of Drafter Yoga were appointed to serve on the Ex Co. This is a one day appointment, due to the high stress and demands of the task. Yoga Master and Chairperson, Pipes, opened up the floor (along with our hamstrings and other various tight muscles) for discussion. Vice-chair Sully, recently returned from her Arizona junket, was opposed to exposing her bronzed skin and sun kissed blonde hair to the harsh winter environment. Secretary Loose Screw is looking into the next flight to Sanibel, where Billy Boy McC is currently lounging, and cast his ballet as "no ride". Treasurer BrickO (who in their right might would leave me in charge of anything financially related???) conceded that a ride in the snow, unless on a fat tire, would not be in the best interest of the group. Namaste inside tonight.Until next week.Draft responsibly,BrickO