Give a Little Bit

In the words of Supertramp, "Give a Little Bit".   And if this cause feels right,  maybe win a bike!The Central Cross Country Ski Organization training center has expanded to include an indoor cycling training facility.  Please email me if you are interested in joining a class.  Some of Madison's most predominant cycling coaches (Gordy Paulson, Jackie Hering, Casey Lamers) are offering classes, along with myself, one of Madison's non-predominant coaches.  If not for donations coming from community members, the center would not exist. Most of the participants in this bike drawing event are cyclists, but very few are from the Madison cycling community.CXC Bike Drawing LinkSpeaking of cycling community support, Z and I rode the Shawano Bike the Barn Quilts last Saturday.  The event included a variety of distances; we opted for the 70mile route.  The money raised supports the trail system, for which we were happy to contribute.  I was absolutely stunned at the beauty of the route, the absence of traffic, the pristine condition of the roads (almost as though they had repaved for the event) and actually enjoyed sighting so many Barn Quilts!  I would strongly recommend this ride to anyone looking to get out of Dane for a bit.  Leave your competitive juices at home- it isn't that kind of ride.Screen Shot 2017-10-07 at 12.25.45 PM.png
The rest stops had all the essentials: porto, cooler with bottled water, a basket of bananas and granola bars, a map for the disoriented, and a tripod of PVC tubing to hang garbage bags.  It was refreshing to participate in such a down to earth event.  Simple.Payphone1-2-3 The theme for the week: give a little.  Giving back to your community doesn't have to be in the form of financial donations, although that is certainly one way to go about it.  Give your time,  respect, energy, and positive attitude.  I often feel overwhelmed by all the bad stuff in the world right now-  hurricanes and mass shootings, and helpless to make a difference.  But, that's crap.  If we give back on the smallest level- show kindness, compassion, be humble and generous with your heart and mind, the world will ultimately be a better place.  Cookie Monster Wille gave a bit today.  Unable to compete in the marathon she's trained for all summer, she supported her Mom, who qualified for Boston.  That's the Drafter spirit.  Both gave more than a little bit.  Congrats.BQIf you have not RSVPd for the Drafter party this coming Monday, please do so.  There will be prizes, pizza and beer.  I might even talk Z into raiding the wine cellar (only because I don't drink the stuff and would be happy to clear out the cellar to make room for more beer as winter is coming).Draft responsibly,BrickO 

Season Wrap Up


Oh, What A Ride