Oh, What A Ride
A Musical Tribute to BrickO's Drafters (borrowed from Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons)Oh, what a rideLate September back in seventeenWhat a very special time for meAs I remember what a night.Oh, what a nightYou know them all by their Drafter namesBut I was never gonna be the sameWhat a ride, what a night.Oh I, I got a funny feelin' when our bikes went vrooomYeah my, as I recall the season ended much too soon.Oh, what a nightHypnotizin', mesmerizing meDrafters were ev'rything I dreamed they'd beSweet surrender, what a night.The final ride of the season was enjoyed by a dozen Drafters and one Drone Master. Stay tuned for video footage. Hell must have frozen over, or at least the Rock River, as Bare-footer Stokes put her feet in some bike shoes for her maiden Drafter voyage to the Riley Tavern.We resisted the temptation to stop off at the Riley Tavern, knowing the staff at Free House had a cold one waiting for us. Fortunately, there were no mechanicals to delay the imbibing. Bomber came equipped with long stems for his deep rim, and did his best to blow another tire challenging Captain Joe on the Strava segments. Boys will be boys.
The Drafter who most needed a drink was not there on Monday night. MegaWatt completed the Vermont 50 Ultra run (that's miles, not kilometers) on Sunday.
Family bonding took place in Northern WI as well, although in less time than 10:43.
- There are still spots for Monday night Spin. The 24 power meter Kaiser bikes are spoken for (assuming you send a check), but there are still Johnny G Spin bikes available. 8 week session, 6:30PM at Supreme Health and Fitness, starting Oct 30. Talk to me if you want to register.
- Indoor cycling on Saris Magnus smart trainers at CXC on Tue at 10AM starting Oct 31. Plenty o' spots.
- End of the year Drafter party Monday Oct 9th 6PM. RSVP if you haven't already and are planning to come. Your pizza and beer depend on it.
Announcement:The owners of BrassV are opening a new establishment in Middleton called Longtable Beer Cafe. They are eager to have the Drafters frequent their watering hole, which will open in Oct but won't have Monday night service until deeper into the winter. My thought is to alternate Free House and Longtable venues.Draft responsibly,BrickO