Sept 25: The Finale to Riley Tavern

Eleven Drafters exchanged bedtime stories as we fell into the envelope of darkness riding home from Easy Street.  There was nothing easy about changing B2 Bomber's flat tire on Wipperfurth.  He may have conquered the Chequamegon Fat Tire race in less time than it took to change his flat (oh yes, we welcomed yet another member into the Flat Tire club).  After several tubes failed, we were out of long stem tube options.  There's nothing more entertaining than listening to a bunch of guys weigh in on the importance of length.  Deep dish wheels constitute a time when length of the stem definitely matters!  CM Wille came up with a patch solution.  Z quickly deflated that idea- until it worked!  CM Wille is now offering consults for dural tears and all other things needing patches.  Rumor has it that she has a patent pending on the utility of Cliff Bar wrappers as a tire patch remedy. Leave it to an engineer.Patch jobCM Wille may be brilliant, but I think the successful patch job was due in part to the optimism inspired by Coach Arms.  She was asked to give a luncheon talk to the Lodi Optimist Club.  I would say the optimism in Lodi definitely peaked to an all time high after Arms gave her talk in red pants and stilettos.  Optimism flowed through the Drafters as we were measuring stem lengths.It's never too late to welcome a Newbie.  Hitch Hitcher Corey obtained official Drafter status after a close vote.  Her namesake is derived from her solution to a flat tire- just throw out a thumb.Hitch Hikers debutIn other news, we have a new First Lady.  Congrats to Pres on his recent wedding!A free drink to anyone who can solve this mystery photo:Motion CaptureSummer is officially over, as is the Drafter outdoor season.  We will finish with a short ride to Riley Tavern, wheels up 5:15.  There is a short cut (stay on Timber), but no official Short Pour ride at 6PM due to limited daylight.Riley TavernReminders:

  • Spin Monday 6:30 at Supreme starting the end of Oct
  • Indoor cycling Tue 10AM at CXC on smart trainers with your own bike, also end of Oct
  • Both are 8 week sessions, then holiday break, then another 8 week session covering Jan-Feb.  Email me for details. 
  • Drafter party Oct 9 6PM.  RSVP if you have not already.  Thanks.

Draft responsibly,BrickO


Road Construction


Amendment and Addendum: 5:15 Start