Amendment and Addendum: 5:15 Start
The previous blog requires the following notable action items:
- Amendment: Loose Screw and Legs did not receive a team discount on nemesis bags. Clearly, my highly paid editorial staff had an aversion to printing "emesis".
- Addendum: my equally highly paid sportscaster failed to report on some major weekend victories. Congrats to the Devil's Lake Triathlon and the RIDE participants.
- Speaking of firsts..... I claimed first chair at the Tyranena Ride on Saturday. For those of you familiar with this term as it applies to the chair lift on a ski mountain, it also applies to cycling when you reach the Porto before anyone else. Goal achieved. I not only claimed first chair at the first rest stop, but also the second. Victory was mine. I parked Red Dog outside the Porto, carefully resting on the corrugated exterior. Given that I had first chair, I allowed myself the luxury of actually contacting the seat (typically I squat, which proves challenging at the end of rides like the Horribly Hilly). The luxury ended there, as I realized the rolls of toilet paper had been sealed in protective wrap that could not easily be removed once installed and locked in the TP holding compartment. I tugged and tugged, until the TP was free, and with that final satisfying tug, I heard the crash of Red Dog as the Porto shook. Luckily, the only damage was to my handle bar tape. I'm sorry Red Dog. You flew like the wind and did not deserve to get your first scar waiting for me at the Porto. I am no longer getting up early for first chair.
- Speaking of early, let's start at 5:15 tonight. Most everyone was able to be wheels up at 5:15 last week (except B2 Bomber, who caught us quickly). For those typically riding the Short Pour at 6PM, I would recommend heading towards Dane, and being back by 7PM. Winter is coming, and stealing our daylight.
Draft responsibly,BrickO