Detour Tonight: Road Closure on Lodi-Springfield

I just received intel that the bridge on Lodi-Springfield, just north of P and south of Rauls Rd, is closed. My recon mission Thur confirmed that this segment was officially closed to through traffic, but easily traversable.  Apparently, some  menacing, ridiculously out-of-season orange snow fencing has recently been placed around said bridge segment to reinforce the concept of "bridge out".   Huh.  And so, we are on to plan B.  As posted previously, the Lodi Canning counter-clock-wise route has us heading home on Lodi-Springfield Rd.  Please divert and turn LEFT on KURT Road, LEFT on P, RIGHT/Straight on Stevenson, and then RIGHT on Hyslop.  From there, pick up your breadcrumb trail back to to the Free House.There is no official short pour ride tonight due to leaders being on the injured reserve list or vacation.  However, you can always ride the short pour on your own!  Given the road closure, I recommend Dane out and back.Lodi Canning 40 30 20I'm so delighted to have this additional opportunity to share some race headlines from the weekend:  Chris Froome.  CM Wille.  ESPN's coverage of the Tour de France was interrupted Saturday morning as reporters fled to northern WI to catch the action at the Shell Lake Sprint Triathlon.Shell Lake LadiesCM and Momma Wille dominated the race, with CM taking first overall female and Momma Wille winning the 60-69 year-young age group.  CM is well-coached by Cindi Bannink, and well yogi'd by former two time Olympian Karen Rigsby. There was a great Drafter showing of yoga champions this morning, wrapping up our last class of this session.NamasteWe will resume Yoga on Monday Aug 14th at 6:15AM.  Look for a survey about adding an additional class!  If you'd like to join, please contact Karen at karenkraftrigsby@gmail.comJERSEY ORDER:  deadline Wed July 26.  Go guns! Follow the link provided here:
Tonight looks to be perfect riding and beer drinking weather.  The patio was open last Monday and we will be out again, so dress appropriately (dare I say no rain and a little chill in the air).Drafter13Draft responsibly,BrickO

July 31: Vermont Church


Go Guns