April 24: You Say Riley, I Say Tavern

 Music by Frankie Valley.   Lyrics to “Oh What A Night” Cannibalized by the DraftersOh, what a ride.Late April back in '17.What a very special ride for 16,'Cause I remember what a ride.Oh, what a ride.You know, I didn't even know his name,But I was never gonna be the same.What a Drafter. What a ride.Oh, I. I got a funny feeling when he flewUp Enchanted Valley and I,As I recall it ended none too soon.Oh, what a climb,Hypnotizing, mesmerizing me.He was everything I dreamed I’d be.B2 Bombing up Enchanted, what a climb!I felt the east wind like a rolling bolt of thunderSpinnin' my helmet around and taking my body under.Oh, what a ride!Oh, I. I got a funny feeling when I climbedUp Enchanted and I,As I recall it ended none too soon.Oh, what a ride.Why'd it take so long find a beer inside?Seemed so wrong, but now it seems so right.What a climb, what a ride!Oh, what a ride!(Do, do, do, do, do. Do, do, do, do, do, do.)Oh, what a ride!(Do, do, do, do, do. Do, do, do, do, do, do.)A sweet group of 16 showed up to Draft, a nice mix of Red Line and Blue Line riders. I tried to get away from the Varsity/JV distinction, as I felt it might have an inferior connotation. Hence, I put forth the “Short Pour” moniker, but this proved inaccurate during post-ride Free House imbibement. Call them what you may, this group showed up to ride and drink with fervor. And, the shorter route will henceforth be cast in blue (see map below).The east wind was not kind to the Drafters as we headed due west up Enchanted Valley. My arms were numb as blood flow was desperately redistributed to feed my starving quads. I think my eyeballs were also suffering hypoxia, as I saw the impossible 11.1% grade on my Garmin as B2 Bomber accelerated effortlessly, putting several 100 yards between himself and the next climber, Captain Joe. I’m pleased to introduce the 2017 STRAVA ENCHANTED VALLEY CHAMPION  B2 BOMBER. Oh what a climb.Not trusting my hypoxic state, I did a little digging to verify the grade of Enchanted Valley. See the following Math Appendix: Bombay Bicycle Club ReportTobacco City Boy and his Cousin were kind enough to ride sweep. With a 4-week-old newborn, TCB was overheard grumbling, “I knew I was out of shape, but this is ridiculous.” To which his loyal cousin replied, “This is how some of us always ride up Enchanted”. Momma Dan-yelly showed up to Draft after the ride along with Adley, who graced the Free House. Free baby smells were enjoyed by all.In other riding news, Slow Cow was late to the start and to the finish, as he found himself off route. I should have been more clear on the directions: when I said turn right from Enchanted Valley onto K, I failed to indicate that you should not proceed further past the Dead End sign. Typically, Slow Cow has a trail to follow home, a sort of Hansel and Gretel go Drafting sort of thing. However, Loose Screw showed up with all cleats secure, leaving no metal crumb trail to follow. He still has some screws loose, as evidenced by signing up for the LEADVILLE 100.Welcome Newbie L-Mac to the Draft. She joins our strong network of former collegiate rowers; Wampus, Ms. Iceland, Krafty and Lady Digs. Way-nuff.Power Outage: the Electric Company is anticipating a power outage for next week. Spousal partners, KiloWatt and MegaWatt need to settle on the 1000 fold power differential.   Place your bets now. Bookies are saying the odds are 2 to 1 that Mega will become MircroWatt. Mu.A shout out to the Human Metronome with wishes for a smooth knee surgery on Monday, and a speedy recovery. You will be receiving your Draft card in the mail!The ride next week will take us to the Riley Tavern.  I'd say the obvious Blue Line route would be to STOP at Riley Tavern and Uber home.  But I've posted an alternative below.  Red Line will leave promptly form BMO at 5:30 (Slow Cow, I'm talking to you).Garmin to Riley Tavern Riley Tavern 20Blue Line club (AKA Short Pour, JV) leaves at 6pm.  Stay on Timber Ln. Do NOT turn on Mauer Rd.  Rejoin Red Line club on Midtown.Draft responsibly,BrickO


May 1: Time Travel Through 1881


April 17: I've Got Sunshine