April 17: I've Got Sunshine

Music and most of the lyrics borrowed from GORILLAZ

I am happy, I’m feeling gladI got sunshine in a bagI’m indoors but not for longThe Drafters are coming onI’m happy, I’m feeling gladI got sunshine in a bagI’m indoors but not for longMonday is coming onIt’s coming onIt’s coming onIt’s coming on.I’ve had a little heart to heart with Mother Nature about easing up a bit on Monday night rainouts. She reminded me that we’ve been gifted several consecutive weekends of gorgeous sunshine (along with beautiful weather on Mondays until 5pm). Mother N said that I wasn’t focusing on the positives (wait, that was my mother), and there are many on this spectacular Sunday. Whatever your beliefs on this day, take a minute to appreciate the many gifts around us. Cookie Monster Christa has shared a few from her cabin up north.
These photos have prompted me to host a competition. If you hold a Drafter card and appear in a photo in Drafter gear, please send. At the end of the season, an award will be given. What will be given, I’ve given no thought. Nor do I really know what criteria will be used to determine the winning photo. Most outrageous? Most spectacular event? Lottery draw? Dunno, but it is fun to see the Drafters out in the wild.The ride tomorrow should not be a surprise. It’s the same darn one I’ve posted the past few weeks. Short Pour starts at 6pm. If you plan to join that group, PLEASE let me know if advance. See previous post for Short Pour route and Garmin coordinates.Brighter is better.  While I know you all shine brightly in various ways, please have a light on your bike.Home Talent 20 with CueDraft responsibly,BrickO

April 24: You Say Riley, I Say Tavern


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