July 18: Sluggin' It Out West
A dozen Drafters felt like Rockstars on the way to Fish and Crystal Lakes. Like most Rockstars, living the good life caught up to us. When we rounded the northern most bend and felt the 25 knots of wind in our face, the party was over. Our "Most Determined Drafter" award this week goes to Dan-yelly, whose car was rear ended on the way to the ride. Her loyal Tobacco City husband waited patiently for her dinged up chariot to arrive, while the rest of us departed at 5:30. The couple finished the ride just before nightfall (along with Slow Cow, who appeared somewhere along the way), and were greeted by our competent Drafter staff of orthopedic surgeons and attorneys, who tended to all of Dan-yelly's immediate and foreseeable needs.I'm unable to do a recon mission for the route on Monday as I am in Louisville, KY watching my son and his basketball team slug it out at Hoopfest. Go Triple Threat!
A big thanks to the Human Metronome's friend who lives in KY and supplied me with bike routes to keep me sane between basketball games (and counteract the Bourbon that is so plentiful here). I've ridden along the Ohio River on both the KY and IN sides, and have come to appreciate just how lucky we are to be cyclists in Madison. The folks are very respectful of cyclists, but cycling lanes and shoulders really don't exist- or worse (see photo).
Here is the 35 mile route for Monday. There is an easy shortcut by passing up the turn onto Bourbon St (I can't pass up a Bourbon anything) and staying on P straight through Cross Plaines. If you ride the full figure 8, we start out counter clock wise and the smaller inner loop is clockwise.
Download PDF: West HHH 35Draft responsibly,BrickO