July 11: Fish and Crystal Lakes Clockwise 42miles
Irrefutably the most scenic ride of the year, we will be riding to Fish and Crystal Lakes. It is time to change the ride up a bit, so we will be touring the lakes in a clockwise fashion.I rode a recon mission today and am happy to report that the route is in great shape and full of wildlife surprises. I spotted a creature from the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Aves, Order Pelecaniformes, Family Pelecanidae, Genus Pelicanus and was told by local ornithology experts that Fish Lake is a common stop en route to Green Bay. Who knew?The ride will take ~2.5h so don't be shy about using the shortcut on Mussen (Slow Cow, this is for you). Due to the high incidence of presbyopia amongst the Drafters, I've included a link to the map in PDF. This should allow enlargement without distortion, and along with the Garmin coordinates for those who get confused between clockwise and counterclockwise (you're welcome, Billy Boy), all "issues" should be accommodated.There is NO official 6pm departure due to lack of numbers.
Fish and Crystal Clockwise 42mileGarmin to Fish and Crystal Lakes clockwiseDraft responsibly,BrickO