May 30: Memorial Day Special (long) Ride

The Enchanted Valley-Spring Valley loop was taking names on Monday night- 14 to be exact.  2000 feet of vertical climb over 38 miles claimed the glucose of many Drafters.  No worries if you felt defeated or deflated... we will have another opportunity to ride this route again in mid-June.  Promise.  It's a good thing we aren't in Salem during Witch Hunt times, as Tall Tim was pointing a finger and chanting, "Evil Woman".  And it wasn't at his finance, who rode Disenchanted Valley Road twice looking for her glucose deprived mate. Interesting that so many riders became disoriented and rode off course, and yet, nobody ran into Feng Shui Master Slow Cow who mysteriously (read: illegally?) arrived at the Free House, less thirsty and glucose depleted than the rest of us.  Hmmm.BonkA special shout out to Quinoa, who bravely embarked on Disenchanted Valley alone.  She estimated the vertical climb of that ghastly hill after County P and selflessly turned back to save a table at the Free House, suspecting that her fellow Drafters would return wounded and in need of drink.  True that.Next Monday is Memorial Day and the Free House will be closed.  Several folks have expressed interest in a longer excursion, and since the holiday will prevent work from getting in the way of riding, I propose we leave at 3pm from our house.  The Rock of Gibraltar is a moderate 60 mile loop.  Captain McD argued that nothing good happens after 50 miles, so I have accommodated him with an alternate route home that meets his mileage criteria.  His bride has made clear her feelings on taking shortcuts.  It's your ride, Cap.  Please feel free to bring beverages and snacks for a post-ride refueling session at the house.  This will be low key and informal (as if I know or am competent in any other mode of hospitality) and will not involve the stove or grill- the microwave is fully operational.  Please shoot me an email or comment on the blog ONLY if you PLAN TO ATTEND, so I can be sure to have enough clean fine paper plates and plastic silverware.  Text/call/email if you need our address/directions.Garmin link to Captain's 50Captain McD's shortcut in red.  The full 60mile route in black. 60 Mile Cue Sheet        Draft Responsibly,BrickO




May 23: Spring Valley 36mile Route