May 23: Spring Valley 36mile Route
The power of the Magic 8 ball should not be underestimated. With grey skies threatening to unleash their furry during our ride, I first consulted the Fly Boys Consortium to get an avionics official weather report. Captain Joe McD stood firm with, "we may get a little wet". This detailed report was confirmed by co-pilot Z, who added, "the big stuff probably won't hit until 8pm". Great, thanks Fly Boys. The Magic 8 ball was much more definitive.Fittingly, 8 brave Drafters set forth to out ride the dark curtain of doom. We endured a mere sprinkle 35min into the ride, just enough to make our cycling chamois squeak. Well, not all of us had cycling shorts. Ms. Iceland was inspired to rethink the functionality of cycling in LuLu leggings. Her Ivy League training coupled with her current PhD student tax bracket were key for fostering an innovative and inexpensive solution. Patent pending.The ride was magical, filled with majestic creatures. Several Great Blue Herons circled Fish Lake, and we were treated to a Red Tailed Fox who sat patiently in a field as we admired his beauty. What did the fox say? Draft responsibly.Apparently, Nurse Sally and Counselor Queen Bee were not believers in the Magic 8 ball prediction, and sought shelter in the Free House. By the time we arrived, only their empty beer glasses remained. The tale of drinking without cycling was relayed by Drafter Emeritus Laura, who was coerced by her companions into not riding. Repeated episodes of frequenting the Free House without actually riding has earned her the status of Drafter Emeritus (title conferred automatically upon persons who retire at a given rank).Next Monday we will head west towards Spring Valley. This is a VERY challenging 36 mile ride. Be CAREFUL on the descent on Enchanted Valley. Recent road work has left the road less than enchanting just before you reach County P. There is a lovely shortcut on Pine if you are game for a few less hills and miles.
Garmin Spring Valley LoopThe following week is Memorial Day, and the Free House will be closed. It is likely that we will offer a longer ride starting mid-afternoon. If you are interested, let me know.Draft Responsibly,BrickO