April 25: Insane Dane

There are many reasons not to ride.  This one, however, I found novel and worthy of press: "I have to do my taxes."CRIME REPORT: 13 riders were definitely taxed around Indian Lake, due in large part to the Human Metronome's improved speed on his new Colnago.  An investigation is currently underway to determine if an electric motor was part of the package price. Also under investigation are allegations of cheating.  Our resident Feng shui Master started the ride well after 5:30, and yet appeared at the Free House fresh as a daisy. Timing chips secured to ankles will be required if this seedy behavior continues.ENTERTAINMENT: Back by popular demand, the comedy portion of the Draft was provided by Counselor Queen Bee, who regaled us with dinner time stories of her friend Steve. The flavor will be lost in translation, but suffice to say, you should order the burger.  In other Drafter news, the Wahoo KICKR is now available to all 50 Shades of Cycling customers. Nobody has admitted to owning this fitness device.SPORTS: #1 Drafter from UW-Madison PT class of 2017 and #1863 in the Men's Olympic Distance USA Triathlon Collegiate Club National Championships will be competing this Saturday in Clemson, SC. Live coverage at teamusa.orgWANTED: elbow and knee pads.  Check with Coach Friesen for slightly used hockey gear if you are new to clipless pedals and tired of Band-Aids.SCIENCE AND FASHION: University of Oregon PhD student, K2, may have transitioned from Badger to Duck, but her intelligence is not to be questioned.  Check out this recent action photo from her "work in the lab". Who knew you could study to become of Bike Doctor?K2 ModelOn a fashion note, jerseys identical to the one on the model above are available through MAY 3, along with long sleeve, vests and jackets.

  1. Go to the Hincapie Team Center website https://teamcenter.hincapie.com
  2. If you are a Returning User, please login using your email and password you previously created. Skip ahead to “Step 2.”
  3. If you are a New User follow these steps to create your account:
    1. The Access Code for is: BrickOsDrafters
    2. Provide your first and last name.
    3. Provide your email address, phone number and create a password.
    4. Click the "Create Account" button.

WEATHER: the forecast for Monday is calling for rain. They were wrong most of this week, so let's hope the trend continues for our ride.  We will be riding the Tour de Dane, a 32mile route.  There is a shorter option on the map below.Insane Dane 32**6pm ALTERNATIVE RIDE   There are several riders who need a later start time.  I'm proposing a shorter route, due to daylight restrictions.  The Hyer Loop is ~20miles, with an option to take the bike path home (shorter yet).  If you are game for this, maybe leave a comment so riders can look for one another at 6pm in the BMO Harris parking lot.Hyer Loop 20Draft Responsibly,BrickO  


May 2: Riley Tavern 20mile Route 6PM Start


April 18: Indian Lake 30 miles or less