Good Use of Oxygen

Air goes in to our lungs with roughly 20.9% oxygen.  Air comes out with less.  How much less depends on what you choose to do with it.  If you choose to talk the talk, little oxygen is consumed though copious volumes of air may be exhaled.  If you choose to swim, bike or/and run,  oxygen consumption is maximized.  Congratulations to many Drafters this weekend for their superb utilization of O2.A big shout out to Feng shui Master Gary, who finished his first Ironman despite a blue card for drafting (forgetting it wasn't a Monday night ride, obviously), a mechanical breakdown in Mt. Horeb, and nausea (which may have been attributed to the former two incidents, although he maintains it was electrolyte imbalance).  In a post-IM interview, Gary seemed to relay mixed emotions, "The run sucked. But it was a blast. Liz and Sully were all over the run. I did hear them well before I saw them!"  Apparently, it is a myth that only dogs are sensitive to high pitched frequency sounds.  Iron Jeanne also crossed the finish line- not her first rodeo.Feng shui Master Finishes First IronmanAllegedly, there were reports of high pitched cheering at IM from a woman in driving gloves. Husband and Wife Team Tronnes ventured north for the Door County Century, along with Father and Son Team Carlson.  Apparently, Dan-yelly rode much of the event without her groom, as he took a wrong turn in Sturgeon Bay, leaving the Peninsula and headed toward the mainland.  He still wasn't back for wheels up Monday night (hence lack of a century finish line photo), but made it in time to join us for a draft.  The Human Metronome rode with his father, age 75, to complete their fifth consecutive Door County Century.  Senior Carlson, sporting a jersey "This Guy Needs Beer", declared it his last (century, not beer). 42 degree temperatures at the start may have played a role in his decision to retire, but Junior has plans to lure him back with a tandem next year.Father and Son Team Carlson complete their 5th Door County CenturyLastly, Drafter K2 successfully completed her cross country journey to Oregon... via Jackalope.  She is the only American to have attempted this mode of transportation and has declared it an official event.  Bumper stickers are available "Jackaloped 2K"JackalopeDue to the high volume of oxygen consumption these past few days, the route for next Monday will be a meek and mild 20 mile excursion past the Riley Tavern.Riley Tavern 20Garmin Link Riley RouteDraft responsibly,BrickO


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