Sept 14 Wauna Ride Down Easy Street?

The Laborless Day Ride and post-festivities were remarkable.  You really can't make this stuff up.10 minutes after departure, the ever present Monday night rain appeared.  While we only got a slight sprinkle , there was a downpour to the north, keeping the roads to the Rock nice and juicy.  The faces of those  drafting behind Jim (conveniently, everybody) were speckled with cow manure.  Newbie Neil got a little taste of Drafter rides. Best of luck to Neil in his upcoming West Coast Grand Fondo.  May the smell of Wisconsin, now deeply embedded in your gear, keep you fondly thinking of home while cycling through wine country.The air was humid, but we felt a little Frost. Two roads diverged into a yellow wood, and sorry we could not travel both... (read: sorry we could not read the soggy map) we chose the one which terminated at a bar on the Wisconsin River.  Many Drafters were enthusiastic about exploring this landmark.  I'm sure the intention was to ask  for directions and not a draft.  A very sweet little elderly woman made a solid attempt to lure us into the bar, but the Drafters took the high road, which was definitely the one less traveled.The post-ride spread offered much variety.  There were seven kind of salsa, including 4 from Chipotle, compliments of UW Women's Hockey.  Salmon was a favorite, although I thoughtfully declined the main course in lieu of a low calorie cucumber salad, with a modest portion of green beens and almonds. This disciplined decision allowed me to devour this (correction- devour these, plural- butterscotch rice crispy bars were gone before they could be photographed) :Low Calorie Dessert Selection #1SecondsNext week we will venture to the outskirts of the one and only Waunakee, and enjoy a ride down Easy Street (for real).  This is a 25mile route.  We are losing light by 7pm, so please plan to be wheels up promptly at 5:30 and bring a blinky.Wauna Ride Easy StreetGarmin Link to Wauna RideDraft responsibly,BrickO


Good Use of Oxygen


September 7: Rockin' Gibraltar and a Labor Day Soiree