Riley Tavern. For Real This Time.

The Clash has a tune that sums up Monday's conundrum nicely:

Drafters, you got to let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
If you say that you are shine
I'll be ridin’ 'till the end of time
So you got to let me know
Should I stay or should I go?

Should we stay or should we go?
BrickO ponders the forecast at 4:45PM

The forecast called for rain. No doubt. But it called for rain at 11AM. Then noon. Then 1PM. The only constant was the forecast calling for clear skies by 5PM. Until it wasn't. 15 minutes before game time, the rain started to fall. The cadence of rain drops was matched by the dinging of BrickO's cell phone, as text messages from Drafters near and far came in hot. "Turning around". "Not for me". "See ya next week". Rimshot was a surprising no show. Strava reports of his work commutes on days of inclement weather are down, suggesting his recent aging event has left him a bit soft. Only speculation.

Some were savvy enough to ride earlier in the day. Pit Stop selflessly rode early so as to leave a vacancy in the powder room for others needing to don rain gear. Nemo was second guessing her fitness more than the precipitation. Silly Nemo. She may be the most senior Femme Drafter, but her AARP card is for Above Average Riding Power.

Keez changed into her kit and then changed her mind as the faucet opened up from sprinkles to full shower.

Keez: Should I stay or should I go now?

Granny, too, was kitted up and ready to Draft until her hubby advised otherwise. What did the Squirrel say? "You don't handle a bike well enough to go around wet corners."

What does the Squirrel say?
What does the Squirrel say?

LuLu texted to say he was ready to roll, but only if others were crazy enough to Draft. As if on cue, Cannibal and Cujo pulled up, hungry for a ride.

Umbrella Academy: LuLu, Cujo, BrickO and Cannibal

The only (really) uncomfortable part of the ride was the first 5 minutes, as the rain slowly seeped into chamois and feet sloshed inside of not-so-water-proof shoe covers. Once fully saturated, the ride was entirely pleasant (save some frozen toes) and musical. The cacophony of sounds from the disc brakes could be heard for miles. LuLu was in D sharp. Fortunately, no flats.

LuLu, BrickO and Cannibal 10% saturated already. Cujo is apologizing to her new gold Cervelo for what it to come. Photo by Z Wrecks, who was also fully kitted up but had a change of heart once the rain came.

Busch Latte joined the Draft briefly, and then went MIA. Could have been that his Costco base layer wasn't as advertised. Shop responsibly. LuLu was using his head when he put on an Ass Saver. It was more like a face saver for whoever was Drafting. To that end, LuLu was the only Drafter worth drafting. The impressive rooster tail of spray off the Ass Saver-less bikes made for poor visibility but excellent hydration.

The second ride of the season is none too early to be thinking about the end-of-the-year MVP award, issued to the Drafter with the highest attendance record. As of now, there is a 3-way tie. LuLu has petitioned to be included as the fourth contestant, as he Drafted responsibly from his basement on the first ride. This will be presented to the Executive Committee for review, but your vote counts.

Your vote matters.

Cannibal had the brilliant idea to cut the route 3 miles short, making the Riley Tavern route Riley-less. To pay homage to the historic tavern, we will be repeating the Riley Tavern route next week (except for those who prefer the short pour, which will shorten the route to bypass the famous watering hole). The staging area opens at 5PM. Wheels up at 5:30.

RidewithGPS link Drafters | Riley Tavern

For those looking for a short pour, here is the RidewithGPS link Drafters | Riley-less Riley Route. From Timber Lane, skip the turn onto Mauer Rd, and stay the course until you intersect with Mid Town. Turn left and you are back on course!

Looking for a few volunteers to help with the Horribly Hilly Hundreds clinic on Sat May 20. Wheel and Sprocket has generously offered to provide bike check from 10-11AM in the shelter for those participants enrolled in the clinic. Following bike check, we will roll from the Blue Mound shelter (near the pool) at 11AM. We anticipate a 30 mile loop, which most folks will ride twice. There is sag support from W&S and the Friends of Blue Mound State Park. What is needed are a handful of Drafters to be sure all the participants are having fun and drafting responsibly. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, please contact BrickO.

Looking for a good warm up to the HHH? Join BrickO's Drafters for the Trek 100 on June 10.

Draft responsibly,


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