Easy Street

18 wheelers set out for Riley Tavern on what could only be described as the best draft of the year. Certainly, the weather was favorable, with smells of fall in the air, but that was not the defining "best" feature of Monday night's draft. There was no division between A and B teams (although an allowance was made for a duo F-Team), no separate taps for the long and short pours. The Drafters rode as one. And it was a blast.

Footer and Cookie Monster receive special permission to ride ahead

Awww. Aren't these Colnago Twins cute?

Loose Screw and Octane

BrickO, Granny, Captain Joe, Slim, Squirrel, Loose Screw, Octane, Midas, Rimshot, Knievel, Z Wrecks, Queenie & Mario

Pepe and Velo came in hot, and Nemo joined the Draft further west. Wondering how this group managed to stay together? A myriad of factors, including 1) Granny riding a semi-functional bike the same vintage as her Drafter handle; 2) Pepe turning up the heat, pulling the peloton like he was born to do;

Pepe pulls Octane and the peloton

3) a 10 min breather mid-route compliments of Velo renewing his Flat Tire Club membership. Slim handled the mechanical in record time (Machinery Row is lucky to have him) while the entire peloton honored the Drafter code, pulling off the road for a team bonding session; 4) the promise of a fresh batch of scotcheroos baked by Midas. Motivation never tasted so good.

Some highlights to celebrate over the recent weeks:

Ironman WISCO. Congrats to Squeak and Tree of Rown for crushing it, and to Coaches Slim and Midas who put many athletes on the podium.

Z Wrecks and BrickO played dirty in the Dirt Diggler Gravel Grinder in NC.

Duracell and Speedy are drafting responsibly in Italy! Check your mailbox for cases of wine from Tuscany.

The Northern Cohort Dirty Drafters rocked the Chequamegon MTB Festival, which was reportedly a much cleaner race than last year. Momma Monster is still finding traces of mud in various places.

Outside Magazine reported Madison as one of the top 15 happiest places to live in the US. The Drafter's very own Slim was interviewed! "We keep it weird..."

Z Wrecks braved drafting in NYC and lived to talk about it.

Z Wrecks on the Hudson River bike path

Perhaps the greatest feat was Keez gaining 90 degrees of knee flexion! Thanks to ALL THE DRAFTERS for the overwhelming support following her accident (texts, visits, home made granola, lasagna, pasta, endless treats including Crumble Cookies, fruit, flowers, plants, and concealer for bruises). A special shout out to Drs Wampus and Squeak for their ortho love.

Drafting Responsibly

Monday night rides will continue to get shorter and shorter in order to guarantee drafting safely with enough daylight. ALL GROUPS will depart at 5PM for Easy Street.

RidewithGPS link Drafters | Easy Street


Dirty Draft with Midas at Quarry Ridge, every Friday at noon.

Bomber and Belle's Engagement Ride Saturday Sept 23. A 46 mile scavenger hunt starting at 8AM from Grace Coffee in Middleton! Beers to follow in New Glarus around 5PM.

Mark your calendars for the END OF THE YEAR DRAFTER RIDE, Sunday Oct 15th at 10AM.

Draft responsibly,



Not So Easy


Backdoor Riley Tavern