100 Mile (only in name)
Lucky 13. Maybe not so lucky. The Drafters were plagued with a slow start due to nearly a quarter of the crew experiencing mechanical difficulties.
The 5:08 team left unscathed, but a trail of debacles followed in their wake.
The A and B teams combined for a 5:15 departure, delayed a bit by last minute oopsie-mechani-doodles.
Octane called for a retraction on his admission to the Flat Tire Club. Instead, he has proposed a new, more sophisticated club for full blow outs. His request is currently under review by the board. While making his case, Octane experienced pedal failure. He seems determined to be the solo member of multiple clubs.
Skipper's new stead rode flawlessly through the Ride Across Wisconsin, but came up flat on Monday night. Already a card holding member of the Flat Tire Club, it was a bit anti-climatic.
Lastly, Z Wrecks had a pedal- cleat mismatch, causing a failure to disengage at the first stop sign. Less than a mile from the start, he was able to circle back and make a quick bike shoe exchange. Skipper and BrickO followed the Drafter code, waiting for Z Wrecks and gratefully riding the Short Pour (post RAW legs and jet lag, respectively, made for a slow roll).
Skipper wasn't the only Drafter to conquer RAW, though the only one crazy enough to draft two days later! Congrats to Knievel, Shaq and Special K on riding across Wisco.
Further west in Colorado, Belle and Cujo rocked 142 miles of gravel at SBT GRVL. True grit and probably a bit of grime embodies these Drafters.
Closer to home, but just as dirty, Momma Monster stepped out of her comfort zone and onto the podium, riding more single track MTB miles in one day than she has in her lifetime in the Seeley Lions PreFat Bike Race.
Sometimes the greatest achievements come from simply carving out time to spend together.
And sometimes happen off the bike (gasp). Congrats to Mario on his first day of Medical School. He's got Thing 1 up ahead so he can Draft responsibly.
Hard to believe next Monday marks the last Draft of August. 100 mile is deceiving. The full strength route is ~34 miles and the short pour ~30 miles (and skips the big climb up Viaduct). Let's plan to leave at 5PM and 5:15PM, given the shortening daylight hours. The alternative 5:08PM and 5:18PM options have been eliminated. Again.
RidewithGPS Drafters | Viaduct 100 Mile Grove
RidewithGPS Drafters | 100 Mile to Easy Street
THERE WILL BE NO DRAFT ON LABOR DAY. September typically brings some gorgeous fall rides, and we will wrap up the season with the End of the Year Draft on Sunday, October 15.
Draft responsibly,