Twofer: Crossroads, then onto LuLu & Columbus' back deck

Creedence Clearwater Revival had the Drafter's number.

I see the full moon a-risin'
I see drafting on the way
I see big quads and lightnin'
I see Lodi Canning today

24 in number, to be exact. A fabulous turnout for an absolutely glorious ride: clear skies, low humidity and wind, comfortable temperatures and silky smooth pavement. And just when the Drafters thought it couldn't get any better, Kick A** KK dropped in from Italy. No big deal. Just a former professional rider, so humble that you'd think she needed help shifting gears.

Coach Arms, Footer, Cookie Monster, Speedy, Pipes, Pit Stop, Nemo and Kick A**K

Who did need some help was Cookie Monster. With her bike still in the shop, Footer loaned her a spare. While the bike had no mechanicals, the shoes requires some medical attention. Cookie Monster put her recently defended PhD in biomedical engineering to work. There is nothing a little duct tape can't cure.

Cookie Monster assessing the vector forces required to stabilize the sole

The D team was delayed even further when an egregious map error was discovered. The Back in Black short pour GPS indicated 27 miles, while the printed map showed a 34 mile excursion. There will be a formal investigation conducted into the matter. The board anticipates a forthcoming resignation and will post a PVL for a competent administrative assistant.

Octane rolled into the B Team starting line straight from the corn fields of Nebraska. "I pulled over to get some sleep after making a precise calculation as to how many hours I needed to get to the Draft. I drove straight here!" Dedication. Nobody questioned his lack of baked goods.

Vilks and Skipper joined the B Team shortly after the photo shoot. Unlike Vilks to miss a photo opportunity.

Octane, Z Wrecks, Pepe, Vintage and Gopher

Per norm, the A Team convened with a vow to "go easy." The excuse of the week came from Cannibal, who claimed to be struggling with a recent bout of food poisoning. Apparently, there wasn't enough food or poison consumed to slow down the A train.

BrickO, Granny, LuLu, Keez and Cannibal

Queenie had been banging on the drums all day. Coming in late to the Draft, he found his rhythm with Duracell. They quickly formed a quartet and rocked to Back in Black.

Duracell and Quennie

Queenie, Pipes, Footer and Duracell

While Queenie was hoping to catch a glimpse of their Fan Club, Footer thought he said "FLAT TIRE CLUB" and joined up.

Footer joins the Flat Tire Club

Skipper summed up the essence of the Draft beautifully with his photos and words (taken without permission from his social media post):

"I enjoy road riding more than I could ever imagine and why is that the case? When riding solo you push your limits in a measured way. Riding in a group, strategy comes into play. There is a lot of performance data to geek out on. And maybe most important to me, I turn my Trail Brain off and just enjoy the spinning. Tonight was one of those special rides. 7 riders, working together, spinning along picturesque roads on the Driftless fringe, catching up on life, all while pushing our watts."

Skipper, Z Wrecks, Vintage, Pepe and Octane spinning

Tunnel Vision

Driftless Drafters

Vintage finds peace on Lodi Springfield Rd

Back at base camp, the Drafters enjoyed an array of beers and blueberries, compliments of Cookie Monster.

Footer, Speedy, LuLu, Columbus, Skipper, Vilks and Z Wrecks.

She couldn't stay long enough to enjoy them, however, as she needed to pick up a new toilet before Home Depot closed. Can't put a lid on good fun.

Aim high

The Tour de France Femmes wrapped up Sunday. Missed it? Catch Out in Front or the Uphill Climb documentary to learn about the first women to compete in the historic Tour de France. Inspired by these women, a dozen Drafters set out to test their strength in the Tour de Dane. Over 8 days, these fearless women made riding a priority, balancing cycling with the demands of work and family and the intense heat and smoke blowing in from Canada. Flash hoped on her trainer between All City swim meet events, Keez squeezed in the sprint stage after a 7 hour car ride to attend a wedding, Cujo jacked her fitness for SBT GRVL, Belle nailed the Tour despite no rest from her Thunderdown 125 mile race, and Animal battled her way through Covid to finish. Shaq creatively staged her own tour while completing RAGBRAI, Sandlot had the best photo finishes, and Coach Arms got up at dawn to complete the Mountain Stage before feeding her kiddos breakfast. Granny, Nemo and T1 completed some stages as well, spreading the green all over Dane County. Congratulations to all the Drafter Femmes who support and encourage women in cycling.

A quick review of the 2022 Tour de Dane winners:

Columbus, Pit Stop and Squeak

On the podium in 2023....

In the polka dot jersey, turning in the fastest Mountain Stage time... KEEZ!

Top of Blue Mounds

Post Mountain Stage hamstring love

And wearing the green jersey, demonstrating blazing speed on the Sprint stage...FLASH!

Recovery drink from Crossroads

It's a bird. It's a plane. It's FLASH!

And in yellow, the winner of the maillot jaune, drafting nearly 400 miles... CUJO!

Stage 1: Crystal Clear

Blue Mounds Overlook

Special recognition goes to Sandlot as I think she may have been the only one to snap a photo with Drafter gear on and treat in hand.

Supporting Crossroads, a business who supports cyclists

Drafting with Duchess on the Tour de Dane Femmes

A shout out to Shaq for most miles (515) during RAGBRI. While it wasn't part of the Tour de Dane, Shaq did more than her fair share of promoting women's cycling and reaching her own lofty goal.

Shaq Attack

Thanks to all who rode to support and promote women in cycling.

Awards will be given at the end of the year Drafter ride.

On a different podium... congrats to Footer on her night time lap in the Wausau 24 event on Saturday at 9 Mile County Forest. Footer and BrickO battled it out in the 12 hour 2-person Masters (read: old) division.

Clean fun, dirty draft

Footer lights up before heading into the night

Looking for a Gran Fondo? Give this a try. The routes over the next two weeks will prepare you well.

Looking for a wheel set for your gravel sled? BRAND new, never ridden HED Belgium G 700C rims, tubeless set up with DT Swiss 350 Straight Pull hubs (accommodates 11 speed Shimano cassette) . Built by Cronometro, painted by NFY. $1100 new. Asking $600.

There are lots of changes coming your way in the next two weeks, so read responsibly.

The Draft on Monday Aug 7 will depart from Crossroads Coffeehouse/ Creekside Scoop located at 2020 Main St, Cross Plains. There is plenty of parking in the lot adjacent to and behind the building.

If you would like to order pizza from Crossroads to enjoy upon completion of your ride, please fill out this survey NO LATER than noon on AUG 3.

This 34 mile route will definitely work up an appetite for pizza and a beer float.

RidewithGPS link Drafters | Crossroads Coffeehouse


The 24.5 mile short pour is worthy of their famous beer float, too!

RidewithGPS link Drafters | Crossroads Coffeehouse Short Pour


The following week, Monday Aug 14, LuLu, Columbus and Wyatt have generously invited (or gently coerced) the Drafters to christen their new back deck. The Draft will start from there new home (please see GroupMe for address) in Middleton. There will be a 38 mile full pour to include Barlow (ouch).

RidewithGPS link BD: Beast of Barlow (Lulu and Columbus Ed)


There is a 19 mile short pour option paying tribute to the mighty Barlow in name only. This drink isn't to be taken likely (bring your Brawn).

RidewithGPS link: BD Beast of Barlow Short Pour


The Draft will be back to its typical hub on Aug 21. Until then...

Draft responsibly,



Mo' Church


Lodi Canning Co.