Formidable Festge

23 Drafters celebrated a gorgeous evening to cruise through the historic Viaduct. With two consecutive rainouts, the Drafters appeared to have fresh legs. More than fresh, a few Drafters were suspected of having plugged their quads into a 220 outlet, as they were pumping wattage out of their quadage at alarming rates. LuLu, Granny, Keez and Slim must submit to electrical testing next week to verify quadriceps battery implants. It's a thing.

LuLu took a preliminary Viaduct lap with Gopher as a litmus test for his quadage wattage. All lights were green in their retro red and blue Drafter kits. The boys rolled back in just in time to greet our first Newbie of 2023, Velo. First impressions can say a lot. They can also be misleading. But I think Velo's character was transparent when he asked, "How does this work? I brought a bike." That's all you need, Velo! Draft responsibly.

Both teams picked up strays along the way. The B team started with 7, quickly joined by Duracell who opted out of the group start. "I'm just not photogenic". There are photos to suggest otherwise. Coach Arms, in her first Drafter appearance since helping her Badger Women's Hockey team claim their 7th National NCAA title when they upset the Ohio State Buckeyes to win the NCAA National Championship, was a bit late to this game. Once out of the penalty box, she pedaled furiously on her Short Pour route to join her teammates. Missing the cut off, Coach Arms ultimately went the full distance. It's a great day for Drafting.

Cujo, Loose Screw, Nemo, PitStop, Pepe, Queenie, (LuLu back from round 1 with Gopher) and Velo

The A Team also started with a smaller nucleus of 9 and grew to 13. Cannibal sprung a leak on his commute from the one and only Waunakee, requiring a bike swap. The team car was nowhere to be found on Monday, so Cannibal had to bike back to Waunakee to fetch his N+1, and caught up with the Draft as they headed out Pheasant Branch. It is unclear if this qualifies him for the Flat Tire Club, since technically the flat occurred before the Draft.

Vintage did a rather lengthy "warm up" before joining the Draft. Powering by us the opposite direction, a shout rang out, "HAS ANYONE SEEN MY WIFE?". An odd inquiry for a Draft.

Slim and Keez were held up with construction on University Ave, coming in hot a few minutes after wheels up. The rabbits saw carrots ahead.

Zephyr, Sandals, Booker J, Granny, LuLu, Z Wrecks, Thing 1 and Rimshot (photo by BrickO)

There was a short delay in the A Team departure as the official rule book of cycling etiquette was consulted. Zephyr arrived with legs unshaved AND his front tire tread facing the wrong direction. The right to bear hairy legs was unanimously voted as a Drafter constitutional freedom. However, rubbers on backwards earned a red flag.

Zephyr 0 for 2

Viaduct wasn't the only thing historic about this Draft. While chasing carrots, Keez and Slim narrowly escaped the wrath of an ankle biter on Viaduct. Only one brand new CamelBak water bottle was lost in the battle. Catching the core of the A Team shortly after Viaduct, Keez was inspired to learn Granny and LuLu were in a breakaway. Wattage pounded from her quadage as she closed the gap.

Another gap was created when Rimshot tangled with some gravel, this one in the right rear compartment of his Drafter kit. If you don't like the green shorts, just say so! No need shredding a perfectly good kit. As if things couldn't get worse for Rimshot, Granny, the Drafter Dermatologist on retainer wasn't sagging back to do wound debridement. Fortunately (?), Z Wrecks stepped up to take down the rubble left "behind".

Look closely. Or don't.

The most historic moments of the evening came when the A and B Teams merged. There is no greater feeling than having a unified front.

Queenie, Cannibal, Nemo and PitStop draft together as A & B Teams unite

Queenie rocks on Hyslop Rd

Viaduct proved to be a historic opening night for bugs. The Drafters got a mouthful of No-see-ums coming home on Pheasant Branch. Um...we see you. And taste you. Despite the additional protein and consumption of carrots, Slim and Keez drafted directly to Lupes, where burritos are king. Consuming burritos amidst hungry Drafters is a powerful marketing strategy. Granny bolted for Lupes 10 minutes before they closed. Several others are scheming to make Lupes a Monday night staple.

Keez sharing Badger pride with Coach Arms, but not her Lupes burrito

Vintage was reunited with Thing 1, and bequeathed her warmth of the Solo Stove. Much discussion was generated on the topic on bequeathing.

Thing 1, Vintage and Pepe discuss the fine details of the Urban Dictionary

A far less academic discussion between medical physicist and engineer took place at a nearby location.

Velo and LuLu discuss the Third Body Problem.

A shout out to many Drafters who competed last weekend in various events. Columbus finished at 50k at the oldest trail race in the world, or at least in North America, Ice Age Trail 50.

Columbus finds her way to the finish line with a prize winning smile

To the north, several Drafters narrowly escaped the Hungry Bear in a gravel adventure. Congrats to GFK, Ninja, Belle and Bomber.

Ninja at the Hungry Bear

Good Friend Kevin sports the Drafter colors

Formidable Festge awaits us on Monday May 22. Departures from Middleton Hills will be at 5:15PM and 5:30PM.

RidewithGPS link Drafters | Formidable Festge

LOOKING AHEAD: There will be NO DRAFT on Memorial Day. Take advantage of the day off to go long. The Drafters will change it up a bit when we reunite on Monday June 5, starting and finishing at Crossroads Coffeehouse at 2020 Main St, Cross Plains. A shout out to Speedy's friend, Kate, who is excited to host us at her recently remodeled establishment, which includes pizza ovens, outdoor seating around fire pits and ICE CREAM at Creekside Scoop. Please don't BYO but please do bring an appetite and thirst!

Draft responsibly,



Memorial Day & Beyond


Rainy Day People: Viaduct 3.0