May Day: Ancient Origins of Viaduct
Too many good things came from the Draft last night not to be illuminated in a separate blog, despite the two-fer post last week (and the author found a few extra minutes that she didn't think would be available to write them down for posterity).
LuLu has been industriously forming an Austrian Drafter Contingent. We are well represented in Northern Wisconsin, but clearly our wings are spreading to the far reaches of the planet.
Keez remained on home soil, earning her crown at the Battle on the Border. In her first criterium, Keez took first place in the Cat 3-4 division (check out the Drafter green mini Snap On tool box) and 6th in the Cat 1-4. She took home $25 in prize money, bumping her up a tax bracket. Her annual earnings are now $25. Minus the $20 race entry fee. Congrats to Keez and Coach Slim!
Blurple and Rimshot fought another battle against snow and sleet during their first gravel race, the Dairy Roubaix. Congrats on showing (and eating) true grit.
17 Drafters braved the shifting winds on Brains and Brawn. The B Team was small but mighty. Nemo joined the squad later on and did her bit with the other sexagenarians (curious term, no?) to battle the westerly wind on the way out to Cross Plains.
Keez and Slim came in hot (a bit late), but quickly made up for lost time by pulling the crew out Airport Rd. The weather was fickle, with temperatures dropping precipitously and the wind changing direction such that it was always working against the Draft (for real). The weather icons showed 70% chance of rain at 5PM, but Mother Nature graciously delayed that until the Drafters were warm and dry (or at least dry- some resorted to the sauna and sipping hot water to reach homeostasis). Cannibal questioned why our group doesn't include more Mennonites (men in tights). The Drafters are working hard to increase diversity and inclusivity. Cannibal is a sensitive soul. He took it upon himself to clear Granny's glasses of obscuring mascara, mistaking it for chain grease. Somehow Cannibal ended up with her wallet and keys during the chivalrous act. Draft responsibly.
The RAW team was back together. Back being the operative word. Skipper claimed to have dropped the boat anchor on the climb up Union Valley Road. But by the home stretch on Schneider Rd, he had traded an anchor for a sail and pulled us to shore. The promise of Midas Touch Butterscotch/ Chocolate/ Peanut Butter Rice Crispy Treats (GF) may have been the bait.
This is a very cultured group of cyclists. Speedy and Squirrel spent the evening conversing in the foreign tongues of Canadian and Minnesotan, with a hint of Norwegian and UPer thrown in for diversity. Granny contributed with her Iowegian lingo. All seemed to speak the common language of Rice Crispy Treats.
May Day ride will be through the historic Viaduct. Speedy and Duracell will be graciously hosting this epic ride. Departures from North Lake (see GroupMe for the address) will be at 5PM and 5:30PM sharp.
Ridewith GPS Link Drafters| Speedy and Duracell's Viaduct Adventure
Draft responsibly,