Crystal Clear

RECORD BREAKING ATTENDANCE, any way you count it. 30 Drafters went to Church at roughly the same time, with 3 more attending separate services. The Draft started early on with Thing 1 knock knock knocking on heaven's door before heading out for vacation.

Thing 1 drafts before heading to O'Hare

Tick Tock and Sarge were also in the air, landing too late to make the official departure, but were sighted on KP drafting responsibly.

The C for Can Do team was suited up and ready to rock early. Dan-yelly was still buzzing from her finish at the Door Country Triathlon. Her last swim was two years and two children ago, so she was thrilled to have completed with event without water wings. So thrilled in fact, that she decided to keep her race number on in case she races again within the next two years. Hopefully, #253 will still be appropriate. "What I can do once, I can do again."

#253 left calf

Pipes was able to fit into her Drafter shorts, no small feat after being stung by a staph infected bee last Monday. Her quad was nearly the size of Cannibal's hind quarters and required antibiotics to normalize.

Dan-yelly, Loose Screw, Special K and Pipes

Charlotte delayed her move to NC for one more Drafter ride, a little warm up for her 70.3 on Saturday. Belle, recovered from her 200 Unbound Gravel feat, was back in the saddle, flashing her ring bling and 10th anniversary jersey (thanks for supporting the Draft).

Nitro, Belle, Charlotte, Dan-yelly, Loose Screw, Special K, Columbus and Pipes

The B for Bad Ass team had a strong showing. T-Bone staked out his first 2022 ride, also sporting his 10th anniversary kit (thanks for supporting the Draft).

Han, Z Wrecks, T-Bone, PitStop, Nemo, Speedy, Queenie and Duracell

Z Wrecks and T-Bone beefed up and rode the full 40, while the remainder of the B Team confessed to skipping Blue Mounds Trail and proceeding directly to Church.

Speedy, Nemo, PitStop, Duracell, Queenie and Han make an entrance at Church

The A Team started with a dozen and picked up two more in Cross Plains, Super Q and a newbie, Taquito.

Booker J, Gopher, Rimshot, Bomber, Skipper, BrickO, Captain Joe, JRad, Blurple, Cannibal & Vintage (photo by Granny)

Elton John's Bitch is Back and the Drafter's Bomber is Back.

Bomber, Bomber, oh, the Bomber is back
Stone-cold healthy as a matter of fact
He can climb, he can pull 'cause he’s stronger than you
It's the way that he moves, the things that he do, oh-oh-oh

He’s the bomber, he’s the bomber, oh, the Bomber is back
Stone-cold healthy, as a matter of fact
He can climb, he can pull 'cause he’s stronger than you
It's the way that he moves, the things that he do, oh-oh-oh Bomber, bomber, bomber is back

Bomber, bomber, bomber is back
Bomber, bomber, bomber is back
Bomber, bomber, bomber is back
Bomber, bomber, bomber is back
Bomber, bomber, bomber is back
Bomber, bomber, bomber is back
Bomber, bomber, bomber is back

Bomber is back and leading the Draft

Watching Granny and Super Q climb was a heavenly experience. The Drafter handle committee is in session, voting on a name change from Granny to GrrAnimal. She's the wolf disguised as Granny, innocently riding an ancient heavy bike with a single water bottle, waiting to swallow you up. The Drafters are pitching in to buy Granny a second water bottle cage, made of lead, to keep the wolf at bay. Nobody complained when she requested to stop at the church to refill her single water bottle. Everyone welcomed a breather.

Water did not turn into wine, which was fine

While we are giving thanks and praise, Cannibal brought back (several times) the Drafters who would have otherwise been lost and forgotten. And Kirk earned the Blurple Heart award for coming back on Schneider to pick up BrickO and Granny and other lost souls too numerous to be listed. These Drafters were exemplary drafters, following the code, despite tired legs from the Platteville Road Race on Saturday.

Vintage floated the idea of stopping at Quik Trip for Slushies. This was a Drafter first, and certainly won't be the last. Def Leppard's "pour some sugar on me" was the theme song. With that incentive, the pace line to KP was fast and furious. Granny went nuts and took her first pull. Too bad Squirrel missed the nuts action. Super Q took a big pull, and BrickO had the misfortune of being next in line, mustering up all the watts she could and still couldn't compete with those quads. My what beautiful quads you have, Super Q. The Drafters took the travel time to Quik Trip literally.

Cannibal and Bomber pour some sugar

BrickO downs an organic green Slushie

Our Newbie enjoys a Taquito. That could stick.

The sugar high gave way to more substantial recovery beverages. And to birthday song for Badger.

Happy Birthday, Badger!

Proper fuel for recovery

Not all Drafters went to Church on Monday. Cookie Monster and Co did some session-ing in the driveway.

Cookie Monster and Company doing driveway repeats

CHAMOIS SHAME: none for this Drafter.

No chamois. No chamois shame.

Chamois are encouraged for the Dirty Drafters. Shred responsibly.

Octane, Duracell, Speedy and families

There were Drafter sightings as far as McKee farms for the Dane County Boys and Girls Ride on Saturday and the W&S roll on Sunday. Huge thanks to Sandlot for rolling on that urban adventure, and for her weekly support of the Wednesday W&S Women on Wheels rides.

Octane, BrickO and Andy take the podium (kidding- it is a ride, not a race).

Sandlot and BrickO on their Urban Adventure

And way up nort' in Minnesota, Coach Arms was representing the Draft.

Coach Arms: sun's out guns out

The route for Monday 25 is Crystal Clear.

RidewithGPS link to Crystal Clear

PDF cue sheet

Remember to tune in this Sunday for the Tour de France Femmes! Prizes will be awarded for the best photo submission of yourself IN DRAFTER GEAR WATCHING THE TOUR.

Draft responsibly,


Tour de Dane Femmes Challenge


Short Pour Option July 18