The Final Draft: October 9

An ode to the Doors.

Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this sport we're born
Into this draft we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out on loan
Riders on the storm

Mother Nature promised a dry draft, until she didn't. Too late to call it off when the storm cell appeared at 4PM, the forecast for our 4:30/4:45 rides looked like this:

18 Drafters paid tribute to the Doors and were riders on the storm. The majority of Drafters played it smart and left while the sun was still shining. That's not to say they all left at 4:30... Newbie Chippendale sauntered in at 4:32. Pretty bold for his debut on the last Monday draft of the season. Once he explained that he had to rent a bike and buy cycling clothes for the evening, the 2 minute tardy slip was torn up. Clearly overheating during the ride, fellow Drafters suggested he shed the jacket. Seems cycling gear is hard to come by- Chippendale was able to purchase shorts and a rain jacket, but no jersey. Free riding.

We do have a dress code. At least on Monday nights. Skipper thought the Chippendale attire was fair game during his Barnyard MTB event on Saturday. Clearly, he was trying his best to join the ranks of Drone Master's calendar with Miss October Drafters, BrickO and Wampus.

In contrast, GrannyZilla blitzed from clinic, arriving promptly at 4:38PM. You aren't late if you declare in advance that your "group" is leaving at 4:38PM. In contrast to her colleague Chippendale, GrannyZilla dropped her scrubs to reveal a full cycling kit underneath. Will the final draft be the "special occasion" to don her new Drafter kit??? Granny and Hit-the-Wall, who also rushed from clinic to Draft, are proposing a scheduling template that provides excellent care to all patients up to but not one minute beyond 4PM. Draft responsibly.

Speedy and Duracell also came in hot. As pictured below, only Speedy departed with the 4:30 group. Duracell was running late, and without shoes.

Z Wrecks, Loose Screw, Captain Joe, Pipes, Octane, Queenie, Speedy, Footer and Pit Stop (not pictured: Dan-yelly, Vintage, Hit-the-Wall and Chippendale, still getting dressed)

Luckily, Skipper was up to code and back in proper Hincapie gear for the Monday night Draft.

Skipper, BrickO and Rimshot

Riders on the storm. Nobody got wet. The rain started to fall just as the last Drafters (Skipper, Rimshot, BrickO, Queenie and Duracell) pulled into the driveway. Duracell, who had secured proper footwear and caught back up, and Queenie should have been in well before the droplets fell, but due to a wrong turn, became the Lantern Rouge. Billy Boy was at the finish line to be sure all Drafters arrived safely, and took great satisfaction in learning that BrickO's infamous cue sheet once again may have contained misinformation. To be fair, the official Drafter Cartographer, Columbus, was not able to provide her services this week. Typically, the cue sheets are flawless, Billy Boy.

Vintage showed his true colors, riding up to the Drafter code. He took a detour from the Chapel Tour to shelter his wife, Thing 1, from the storm as she commuted home from a hard day of medical school. He might resist wearing green, but his true colors are Drafter.

Thing 1. Riders on the Storm. Gotta love her Man.

The rain brought the post-draft festivities in doors. It also blew in some Drafters who couldn't ride, but may caught wind of the sazeracs. Billy Boy, Coach Arms, Squirrel (also caught up in clinic and signing the petition noted above) and his dog were welcomed additions.

Pipes, Z Wrecks, Chippendale, Dan-yelly, Rimshot, Captain Joe, Loose Screw, Pit Stop, Billy Boy, Granny Zilla, Hit-the-Wall

Pipes brought enough sazeracs to keep the troops warm. Speedy thought she was drinking a "sassyass". Close enough.

The "sassyass" has a profound effect on Speedy

Notably absent was Belle, once again recovering from a weekend of crushing gravel at the Barry Roubaix. This Drafter has come into her own this season, from criteriums to gravel racing. For those looking for some gravel adventures, check out the Red Granite Gravel Grinder in Wausau Oct 16. There may also be a Drafter edition of the Dairy Roubaix on Nov 6. Let BrickO know if you are interested.

Belle crushes the Barry Roubaix

Speaking of going the distance- HAPPY HALF CENTURY to Vilks this Friday!

The sazerac and aging antidote is readily available Tuesday mornings at 7AM.

Pipes leads Drafter Yoga. Or nap time. Namaste.

The final draft will begin promptly at 9AM on Saturday Oct 9th. There are also a short pour and a shot options for those who want to tap out a bit earlier. All drafts will roll out together. The awards ceremony will commence around 12:30PM and wrap up by 2PM (your hosts have a tailgate party to attend) Please bring a lawn chair, lunch and a beverage (we will have some on tap). IF ANYONE HAS HINCAPIE KIT THAT IS TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL, please bring it on Saturday. I'll do my best to make it right.



SHORT POUR: this route starts with the full draft, and diverts at mile 18.

RidewithGPS link SHORT POUR

THE SHOT: this 27 mile ride also starts with the full draft and short pour, turning off at Pine at mile 9.5.

RidewithGPS link Final Shot

Draft responsibly,



The Last Dance


Oct 4: Last Dance, To the Chapel