Aug 30: Pine Loop

A huge thanks to Cannnibal for hosting the Draft and giving Drone Master a wonderful send off.

The line up: Octane, Coach Arms, Speedy, Queenie and Drone Master

They crew rolled together, with an eye on the prize (garden drinks).

Booker J, Octane, Coach Arms, Rimshot, Drone Master, Queenie and Cannibal

Queenie captured a classic Wisco "moo"ment just as the sun was setting. Octane, Coach Arms and Speedy celebrated a left turn, avoiding the hill ahead. Quite sure there were others on the route as to conform with the Drafter motto: when in doubt, climb.

Drone Master is one of the original Drafters, so it is only fitting that he reach the pinnacle of his career, joining the flat tire club before moving to sunny California.

Speedy comes to the rescue as Drone Master joins the Flat Tire club.

Good luck to all the Drafters who are bravely setting out to conquer the Horribly Hilly Hundreds tomorrow. Footer and Ninja are newbies to the HHH, so there should be good war stories to share on Monday!

In other Drafter news, congratulations to Keez for a second place podium finish at Collegiate Conference Championships in MN. A Hawkeye took first, but this Cyclone blew away the Badgers and Gophers.

Keez earns second place at Collegiate Conference Championships

Not exactly a feat, but BrickO managed not to lose life or limb encountering an Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake, the most venomous snake in North America.

BrickO gets rattled.

As we reach the last Monday in August, the sun is setting earlier and we will start to shorten our rides. Pine Loop is 27 miles and includes the freshly repaved segment on KP. For anyone looking to go longer, feel free to skip the left on Pine an continue along Spring Valley to Turkey Road.

RidewithGPS link

Stay tuned for details on the end of the year Drafter ride and party, likely Sat Oct 2 or 9th.

Draft resonsibly,



No Labor on Labor Day


Aug 23 Cannibal Special